Okay, the past s-i-x plus days of straight rain aside, springtime in New York is well, pretty great. Still, the grass is always greener, especially once you put the manuscript deadline to bed and pull the vacation pictures out.
This March, author buddy Liz Maverick and I decamped from a blizzard-stricken New York for Paris. Liz was the perfect traveling companion and Paris was…Well, let’s just say that if you like romance and beauty, amazing food and yes, the chance to consume copious quantities of wine and butter with giddy, unrepentant abandon, then Paris is definitely the place for you.

Highlights: taking tea at Mariage Freres, Paris’s oldest and most respected tea house and emporium, taking the ritual ham-man bath at the Mosque of Paris (you can ask but we won’t tell!), and indulging in Sunday afternoon champagne and caviar-level conversation with our delightful flat neighbor, Bernadette.
Friends and strangers alike can view the full album, which I’m adding to “as we speak,” on FaceBook.
A la prochaine,

PS Leaving Paris was hard, but we more than made up for it with another wonderful week–in London–where we met up with Scandalous Woman, Elizabeth Kerri Mahon. Sadly we have not a single photo!
PPS: Photos courtesy of Liz Maverick. Thanks, Liz!