Romancing Becky Stone

Becky’s New Year’s Resolutions:

1) Hit the NYT bestseller list with latest novel

2) Find a great guy and start living a perfect life

3) Try to stay in her own bed!

When author Becky Stone’s horoscope predicted that the New Year would bring her great things, she never expected the first thing she’d experience would be great sex! But after the crushing news that the only way to save her career is to coauthor a book with chauvinistic Adam Maxwell, Becky needs something to go right. And what could be more right than spending an incredible New Year’s Eve in the arms of a seriously sexy stranger?

Only, the man in her bed isn’t going to be a stranger much longer….

Tomorrow’s Destiny

Approaching her thirtieth birthday on Christmas Day, 1890, bookshop proprietress Fiona MacPherson is in danger of becoming a Scrooge on par with Mr. Dickens’ curmudgeon. With her beloved Da dead, she’s set to lose her beloved bookshop to a mysterious antiquities collector. Fortunately for Fiona, her guardian angel-in-training, Fern, is determined to set her stubborn charge’s life, and future, back on track. Masquerading as the Angel of Christmas Future, Fern has until the final stroke of midnight on Christmas to persuade Fiona to embrace her destiny, and her one true love…