This past week has been totally Mad Hatter in the best and dare I say most Manhattan of ways. In just slightly more than seven days, I:
Received an award for Vanquished from The Beach Book Festival, the ceremony held at the iconic Algonquin Hotel. Thanks to Festival Managing Director, Bruce Haring for the splendid cocktails, canapes, and yes, chance to chat up my fellow honorees.

Attended a multi-author reading at the Lower East Side bar, The Slipper Room emceed by my friend and fellow Lady Jane Salon co-founder, Ron Hogan. The theme was literature with adolescent protagonists. All four readers: Judy Blundell, Matthew Aaron Goodman, Theresa Rebeck, and Sung J. Woo were great and the five Bushwick Book Club musicians: Franz Nicolay, Susan Hwang, Dibson Hoffweiler, Tom Curtin, and Phoebe Kreutz kept the evening from getting too serious.
Saw some rockin’ live music from new-to-me band, Gordon Voidwell, performed in the back room of another Lower East Side watering hole, Pianos. I went on the recommendation of visiting Aussie friend, Greg, who’s obviously a lot more um…hip to the Manhattan music scene than I am. Props to you, Greg!

Attended a fundraiser cocktail party for The HIV Law Project. To learn more about this twenty-year-old (and counting) advocacy organization and the amazing work they do on behalf of those disenfranchised by their HIV-positive status, please visit the organization’s web site and yes, consider taking the opportunity to give whether that means money or time or both.
Last night, attended the exhibition, “Poison; Erika Keck & Christy Singleton” at Envoy Enterprises Gallery on Chrystie Street, Lower East Side with Scandalous Woman About Town, Elizabeth Kerri Mahon. Dubbed a “potent dose of visual venom” with the intent “to scare the f— out of you,” I’ll leave you judge the show for yourself. Let’s just say that for the first time in decades, I had the strong desire to sleep with my “blankie.”
In the midst of all this making-the-scene mayhem, I sat down and ate a whole steamed lobster. One and a half pounds. Every single bite. Myself. With yes, lots o’ melted…buttah!
Some weeks it’s good to be me. This was for sure one of them.
How’d your week go?
PS I’m rolling out my new Sizzling Summer Contest tomorrow, June 15th, so check back and find out how uber easy it is to enter.