One upon a faraway time, the 1990’s, there was a freelance writer named Hope Tarr. While Hope enjoyed writing articles, her Big Dream was to write books.
In 1999, Hope sold A Rogue’s Pleasure, a sexy Regency-set romp and her first book. From then on, she got busy writing books. Really busy.
The rest, as they say, is history.
Fortunately for all of us, living history can shift and change, twist and turn. On a dime.
While I’m happy to report that I’m still really busy writing books, I’ve also found time to return to a former love: travel writing.
And we’re having us quite a honeymoon. 😉
Please check out my two (and counting) articles on Italy for the fabulous travel site and blog, Europe Up Close. My Eat Pray Love…Florence series will be followed shortly with Eating in Venice and another trio of articles on Day Tripping in The Veneto.
Grazie Mille!