Got ENSLAVED–latest sighting

Copies of Enslaved can be found at Barnes & Noble and Waldenbooks stores in Mesa, AZ. Thanks to Joy I of Mesa, AZ for emailing the information.

Got (a copy of) Enslaved? Email me the store name and location with “Got Enslaved?” in the email subject header, and you’ll be automatically entered in my special summertime contest. The winner will be announced in early September.

And please check back in a day or so for the dish–garnished with the occassional “naughty bit”–from the Romance Writers of America conference in Dallas.


Happy Fourth!

Happy Independence Day,

Hot dogs slightly charred and hot off the grill, ice cream that melts before you take that first anticipated swipe from the cone, watermelon that for whatever reason tastes more succulent than it does on any other day of the year–Fourth of July conjures a bevy of visceral as well as cognitive memories for most of us. And of course, no Independence Day celebration would be quite complete without fireworks (the safe public displays, if you please, at least for Yours Truly).

Enslaved, too, is taking off with a bang. This seems a good time to thank all of you who have taken the time to email me with your preview copy “sightings.” So far we have Joseph-Beth Booksellers (,, Borders stores (by order and in some cases already shelved), a Barnes & Noble (somewhere?), and a Books-a-Million in Mobile, Alabama (Pinebrook Shopping Center on Airport Drive). And of course, if anticipation is your thing (think the old Heinz ketchup jingle about “making me wait…”) you can always preorder a copy at

To thank readers, and to celebrate the summer sizzle, I am running a special blog contest from now through September. Please check back at after the holiday for details on how to chime in and win.

In the interim, eat a hot dog slightly blackened around the edges and sloppy with relish and mustard and chopped onions. Go for not just an ice cream cone but a double dip. Seize the chance to lay back on a blanket, let the evening coolness wash over your sunburnt face, and savor the bliss of a perfect fireworks constellation while snuggling someone you love.

Have a great Independence Day…


Hi Everyone,

As many of you know, my new historical romance, Enslaved is now available for direct order through Borders Bookstores or online through Independent Publishers Group. You can also pre-order the book at

The sequel to Vanquished, Enslaved is slated for worldwide release in October 2007. That said, about 2,500 copies of Enslaved shipped early and have already found their way onto bookstore shelves–and into eager readers’ hot little hands.

Sightings so far include Joseph-Beth Booksellers in Cincinnati, OH ( and Books-a-Million, Pinebrook Shopping Center on Airport Blvd., Mobile, Alabama. I’ve also heard from a ton of people who’ve ordered it through their local Borders store.

Do you have a copy of Enslaved? If so, I’d love, love, love to know where you got yours, be it a chain bookstore, an indy bookstore, a library or well… anywhere.

Over the summer months I’ll be building a list of “Early Enslaved Sightings” to track the progress of these renegade books. So if you could take two ticks (AKA moments) to post to this thread, you’ll be helping out by letting other readers know where they can find the book.

To reward “informants, ” I’ll be running a special “Get… Enslaved Sneak Peak End of Summer Contest” in addition to my regular monthly contest. The winner will be announced on September 1st. The prize will be a signed copy of Book #1 in my “Men of Roxbury House” trilogy, Vanquished, a signed cover flat of Enslaved as well as the winner’s pick of my backlist titles.

In the meantime…

Happy Summer Reading — and Sighting
