Our Lady Jane’s Salon, Manhattan’s first (and so far only) reading series devoted to romance fiction goes lives tonight. Featured authors are Andrea Pickens and yes, this Hope Tarr chick. In the spirit of ramping up for Valentine’s Day, we’ll be reading from our latest steamy romance releases and engaging in witty repartee during the Q&A.
I’m happy to report the buzz is well, buzzing. So far we’ve made TIME OUT NEW YORK, Yelp.com, and Eventful.com. Romance Novel TV will be on hand to cover the event as will Publishers’ Weekly’s own beloved romance Blog Mistress, Barbara Vey.
If you’re in the Big Apple Tonight and looking for a recession-buster outing to brighten the Monday Blues, join us at Madame X, 94 West Houston from 7-9 PM. $5 or one gently-used paperback romance novel gets you in, with proceeds to benefit Share The Love. Can you say “Oy vey and what a deal?”
Hey! That sounds like great fun, hope you have a great turnout. If I were in New York I would make sure I was there!!
I’m on my way to the airport now and looking forward to tonight!
We’ll miss you, Tonya. Barbara, hon, can’t wait to see you.
Hope, I’m so excited to hear you read tonight!