News & Events

Panel Talk – Challenges of Writing Historical Fiction

Please join HNS for a special presentation on Tuesday, April 17, 2018, as Hope C. Tarr and Radha Vatsal discuss The Challenges of Writing the Historical SubGenre in the Willa Cather Room of the Jefferson Market Library6 – 8 pm. Following the event, authors books will be available for purchase and signing. 

Event: FREE, Open to the public

Hope C. Tarr is the award-winning author of 25 historical and contemporary romance novels. Her books have been translated into 30 languages including French, Spanish, German, Japanese and, most recently, Slovene! Hope has been featured in numerous entertainment news programs and publications, including NBC’s Today Show, Time Out New York, and The New York Post. She is also a founder and curator of Lady Jane’s Salon®, NYC’s first and still only regular reading series for romance fiction, now in its ninth year with satellites nationwide, all of which support a 501c(3) charity. (The NYC Salon supports Women in Need, Inc).
Radha Vatsal is the author of A Front Page Affair (a Library Journal “Debut Mystery of the Month”), and Murder Between the Lines (Book Riot’s 100 Must-Read Books Of US Historical Fiction) set in WWI-era New York. She received her Ph.D. from the English Department at Duke University and her writing has appeared in the online editions of the Atlantic, the Los Angeles Review of Books, and the Smithsonian magazine. She is also co-editor of the Women Film Pioneers Project. She was born in Mumbai, India and lives in New York City
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Meet Hope at the #HNS2017 Book Fair in Portland, OR


3:45 pm – 5:15 pm

Portland Hilton
Pavilion Ballroom East & West
621 SW 6th Avenue, Portland, OR

Sponsor: The Historical Novel Society

Find Hope at the Saturday Book Fair where she’ll be signing several of her historical titles plus offering a special giveaway – a signed copy of TEMPTING – to one lucky reader.

Registration information here:


Video! Hope & Lady Jane’s Salon Visit RT BOOK Reviews

RT BOOK Reviews (basically, the Publishers Weekly of the romance industry) caught up with my Lady Jane’s Salon® co-founders, Leanna Renee Hieber and Ron Hogan, and I and offered to host us for a special VIP virtual Salon for September. (Our collective response–“Yes, please!!!”). Check out the under two-minute video, which includes Yours Truly reading from TEMPTING, out now in Spanish (ebook + print) as No se puede vivir sin amor.

Tempting_SpanishXCvrTEMPTING_New Cvr_Pink Pearls_Final_12-9-11

A Very…TEMPTING Giveaway!

Tempting_SpanishXCvrTEMPTING, praised as “an absolutely gorgeous Victorian romance,” is now available in Spanish as NO SE PUEDE VIVIR SIN AMOR! Download the e-book at any of the following:

Share the love – leave a review! Help get the book to its first 10, 15, 20, and 25+ reviews on any of the above platforms and, at each milestone made, I’ll give away one e-book copy from my critically-acclaimed Men of Roxbury House/Los Hombres de Roxbury House #historical #romances:  VENCIDA, INDOMITA and RENDIDA to one randomly selected reader-reviewer, in Spanish or English – your choice!

Suffering from “digital fatigue”? No woes or worries – the print book will release worldwide this September 2016.


TEMPTING Coming Soon… In Spanish!

Tempting_SpanishXCvrIf my travels to England, France, Italy and Peru have taught me anything (and here’s hoping they have), it’s that the romance fandom is ever so much bigger and broader than the borders of these United States. Thanks to my wonderful overseas publishers, on any given day I’m as likely to receive an email or Facebook ping from a romance blogger in Honduras as I am one in my own backyard of NYC.

And now my wonderful Barcelona-based publisher, Libros de Seda is bringing out a FOURTH book of mine. This fall 2016, TEMPTING will release as No se puede vivir sin amorliterally, You Cannot Live Without Love. ((Truth!)) Finally romance fans in Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Uruguay,  Chile, and Peru as well as the U.S. will have the opportunity to read Simon and Christine’s unconventional Victorian set love story in their native language. For now, sit back and savor the stunning cover! Read the FREE (English) excerpt here. Treat yourself to the digital and audio book versions!

And if you’re in NYC or thereabouts, join me at Lady Jane’s Salon® on Monday, February 1st, 7-9pm at Madame X when I’ll kick off the Month of Candy Hearts & Papier Mâché Posies by reading a sneak snippet from my new historical women’s fiction novel–and giving away some cool prizes, too!

Feliz año nuevo! Feliz San Valentín!



Featured in USA TODAY

Hope Picks 170
With Daisy; photo by

Animals aren’t just companions to me — they’re inspiration. Since launching my writing career, I’ve made it my tradition to include one of my real-life feline rescues as fictional “characters” in my books. Check out my feature in today’s USA TODAY HEA blog, duly shared with my rescue tabby cat, Daisy (“Forget belly rubs, Hope Tarr’s kitties get book cameos,” Sunday, October 11, 2015).  To read more about Daisy and my other feline muses, check out my Best Friends page here!

Join me at Lady Jane’s Salon®

Hope signing Twelve Nights & Vanquished at Lady Jane's Salon. I’m so, so, so excited!!!

This Tuesday, July 21st 7-9:30pm at Madame X, we at Lady Jane’s Salon® will welcome the 35th annual Romance Writers of America® national conference back to New York City. I say “back” because we’ve helped kick off the conference before, in 2011. Then we drew more than 125 attendees, including surprise guest, Eloisa James, and Emmy Award winning documentary filmmaker, Laurie Kahn. Laurie and her crew from Blueberry Hill Productions filmed the Salon for her “Love Between the Covers” feature-length documentary film on the romance community. Check out the (less than four minute) footage from that crazy-fun night here.

Floor_Red_2But there’s more…

Along with co-hosting the event, I’ll be reading a never before released sneak peek from  Irish Eyes, my very first foray into Women’s Historical Fiction. Set in Gilded Age through Jazz Age New York City, the manuscript has been a true Labor of Love. I can’t wait to share the first chapter with everyone!

Or to help roll out our stellar lineup of guests: Sonali Dev, Dahlia Adler, Carrie Lomax, Laura K. Curtis, Nancy Scanlon, and Regina Kyle. The service staff at our ever fab venue, Madame X, stands at the ready to serve with $5-$6 drink specials (including super yummy “mocktails”). We also have terrific raffle prizes donated by some of the romance industry’s brightest established and rising stars.

Best of all, your $5 admission supports our annual donation to our house charity, Win, helping real-life NYC families find their own Happily Ever After. It doesn’t get any better than that. If you’re in town for #RWA15 or simply in town, please plan to be our guest!



Get VANQUISHED for 99 Cents thru June 30

vanquished_350Jonesing for “The Knick” to start up again? Can’t wait to inhale another season 2 episode of “Penny Dreadful”? Wet-your-pants excited about Caleb Carr’s THE ALIENIST in development as an eight-episode series for TNT? Romance readers looking to get their Victorian on can download my Victorian-set romance, VANQUISHED from Kindle for just 99 cents. Offer ends 6-30, so hurry!

Vencida_PNGmayfair_175The launch to my Men of Roxbury House trilogy, VANQUISHED has been translated into French, Italian, Estonian and now Spanish! Check out these fabulous foreign covers.

ENJOY the FREE excerpt in English here. GET the French &/or Spanish language editions in print or ebook.