News & Events

Girl in the City Part II: The Art of Living

It’s Friday–again–and as I’m mapping out my weekend, my thoughts keep circling back to last weekend.

Since moving to Manhattan in February, I made a pact with myself to experience at least one new “thing” each week. In that spirit, last Friday and Saturday nights, I braved the elements (think wind, rain, more wind, more rain) and trekked out to the Chelsea Art Gallery District. Having been to many art gallery receptions, but none before in Manhattan, I have several observations to report.

First off, there’s no food, not a morsel, not a scrap, not a nosh, not a nibble. But then food is messy and distracts from the main purpose of attending a gallery reception, which is of course…

Being Seen. (And you thought I was going to say viewing the art, silly you).

Thankfully, there is wine, though usually stain-proof white. That said, one gallery had run out of even that by the time I arrived–for shame!

The reception experience varies greatly by the personality of a) the gallery and b) the artist or group of artists being shown. The first reception on Friday night, a series of black-and-white photographs with a sobering theme and a heavy political message, definitely attracted the older, intellectual set–think jeans and Ducoti leather wear and unapologetically gray hair.

Saturday night mere blocks away I attended two more openings, the first a family affair complete with strollers and young children racing around. Stain-proof white wine and designer water was surely the way to go. Yours Truly couldn’t fathom how the heap of soil–oops, I mean “art”–set in the center of the gallery floor managed to survive those eager-to-explore little fingers, but it was still intact by the time I left.

Gallery reception #2 featured “an exploration of the totality of color” and lots of “installations.” (Memo to Self: Manhattanites “in the know” get mightily miffed if you mispeak and say “sculpture.”) Yours Truly thought the um…”installations” amounted to old boards with nails hammered in–artfully hammered, not haphazardly hammered, but still–though naturally I kept such Simian thoughts to myself.

The attendees at this final reception were more gliterrati than intelligentsia, which is to say there wasn’t a scrap of denim in sight. Think “haute couture” as in off the runway, not the rack. I chatted briefly with one dashing fortysomething man, a student of the German artist whose work was being shown, who explained to me that he now has assistants who do his hammering for him. I also made the acquaintance of an exquisite older woman accompanied by her Peekaneese. After some mild coaxing, she (that would be the dog) performed several rolls for me in the center of the wide, glossy wood floor.

The dog really took to me, the people not so much. For one thing, I seemed to be the only one actually looking at the art–oops, I mean installations. Secondly, it was probably pretty apparent to the sponsors I wouldn’t be asking for a price list anytime soon.

As to what’s on tap for this weekend, that largely depends on the weather. I think I’ll likely skip the galleries this week, though when I do go back, I’m hoping to see at least one friendly familiar face.

I bet that dog has more than one trick up her sleeve.



Random Reports from City Girl on the Street

Okay, it’s officially spring in New York, which is to say gray, windy, and cold
–still. Despite the scrumptious array of spring clothes on tantalizing display in the storefronts of West Village boutiques and the designer chains on Fifth–think crayon colors, bold geometric patterns, and belted waists–like most of my fellow Manhattanites, I’m still tooling around in turtlenecks and wool.

Still, it’s spring, the pollen is in full bloom, and all in all people including Yours Truly are walking the streets with a uh…spring in their step. (Sorry, couldn’t resist).

Tomorrow, Saturday, I’m the guest speaker at the Romance Writers of America/NYC chapter brunch at PJ Clarke’s. I’m still working out my presentation, but it’s basically a not so shameless take-off on Donald Trump’s THE ART OF THE DEAL. In my case, I’ll be speaking on the ART OF THE RE-DO, both in writing and yes, in so-called “real” life.

PJ Clarke’s is on the waterfront, so here’s hoping its warm-er. Afterward I’m on tap to meet a friend and hit a couple of the Chelsea art galleries having receptions. I doubt I’ll buy any art but hey, someone has to help out with all that free wine. 😉

Like my Strokes of Midnight heroine, Becky Stone, I check my online horoscope and yes, tarot readings just about every day. It’s a big world out there, make that a big Universe, so I like to cover all my bases. I’m happy to report the Hanged Man, Hermit, and Death card (yikes) are no longer showing up in my Love & Relationship sector!

See, it really must be spring…

Happy Weekend,


Behind the Scenes at the Soaps

Hi All,

The Novelist Inc. Conference held at the Affinia Hotel in Midtown Manhattan a few weeks ago was great fun. In addition to schmoozing agents and editors at the various events, I got to catch up with one of my very favorite author pals, Young Adult author, Niki Burnham. As it happened, both Nik and I were raffle winners for a deluxe behind-the-scenes tour of our favorite soap, THE GUIDING LIGHT at CBS Broadcast on Manhattan’s Upper West Side.

Thrill Moment–Yours Truly got to meet (as in actually touch the hands of) uber hunks, actors Robert Newman (“Josh Lewis”), Frank Dicopoulos (“Frank Cooper”). Frank’s real life daughter will be joining the cast very soon. We also spotted Beth Ehlers, the actor who plays Harley, and got to ramble around her house set.

The above photos show me bellying up to the fictional on-set bar, “Company,” as well as cruising one of the kitchen sets. I haven’t had so much fun in the “kitchen” since my Susie Bake Oven bit the dust. 😉

While at the conference, I also met Monica McCarty, bestselling author of the Macleod trilogy. FYI, I’ll be giving away book #1, Highlander Untamed, as a future contest grand prize to celebrate the roll-out of my next steamy historical, Bound to Please. Bound to Please, due out this July 1st, also features the MacLeods only more than a century earlier.


Contest Winners Announced–Ta Dum!

Congratulations to Pamela S of Blanchester, Ohio, the third winner of my “semi-contest.” Pamela’s prize is a signed copy of Eloisa James’s latest release, Desperate Duchesses.

And–drum roll please–the grand prize winner is Tracey T of Gassaway, WV. Tracey’s prize includes a personalized signed copy of Vanquished, the launch to my “Men of Roxbury House” trilogy and a hot-off-the-press chapter excerpt of Bound to Please, my Scottish Medieval Blaze due out this July 1st.

Both Pamela and Tracey correctly answered my contest question: what is the color of Lady Kate’s eyes in Untamed? Lady Kate’s eyes are amber.

My thanks to all of you who took the time to enter, adding to the general fun. The good news is there is always another opportunity to win at, so please check my Contest page for your latest chance to win.


Contests Galore!

Hi All,

It’s cold and windy here in NYC but spring is on its way (it is!), and it seems contests are cropping up like those yet-to-be-seen springtime flowers. Best-selling romance novelist, Samantha James is running a super contest from her web site starting March 25th. Twenty contest winners will be chosen beginning the day after the contest, and continue into April. There will be more than 150 winners, and best of all, most winners won’t need to wait a whole month before they get their prizes!

Included among the giveaways are coverflat keepsakes for Untamed and yes, an autographed copy of Vanquished.

Also, Diesel E-books is carrying copies of my Harlequin Blaze books and offering a 20 percent off coupon, so if you prefer your palm pilot to print, please take two ticks to check it out.


Latest Special Contest Winner

Congratulations to Janice M of Virginia Beach, VA, who correctly answered my contest question regarding the color of Lady Kate’s eyes in Untamed: amber. Janice’s prize is a signed copy of Kathryn Caskie’s latest release, How to Seduce a Duke.

The winners of my final March special contest and grand prize will be drawn on March 30th, so if you haven’t yet entered, please take a moment and do. Like one state lottery slogan says, “You gotta play to win.” 😉


(Almost) springtime in the city…

Well, I finally up and did “it,” made the move from Small Town, Virginia to Big City Manhattan–as in The Big Apple. On 2/14, yes, Valentine’s Day, my best friend, nickname of “Suz,” helped me drive my (sedated) cats the five hours or so north to our new home. The cats did great. I on the other hand, was a wreck.

But now we’re all here, unpacked (well, mostly), and settling in (well, more than mostly). I’ve traded in my SUV for a new set of wheels, a shopping cart courtesy of The Container Store. My routines, like regular sleep, have fallen by the wayside, but now that things are settling down, I’m determined to get back on track. So far I’ve only gone running once in two weeks, but in my defense, I’ve been getting organized, which burns a bunch of calories, I’m sure. And it’s been cold here, really cold and windy, too.

Still, things are settling down, settling in, slowly but surely shifting into place, not the old place or an entirely new place but, I hope, some happy melding of the two. Yesterday I attended my first RWA-NYC chapter meeting. What a nice group of not only women but men, too. Once chapter business was cleared away, Regency author Megan Frampton gave a talk on Plotting by the Seat of Your Pants. (Really, is there any other way?) Along with having a music industry background, funky cool glasses, and a wardrobe of all-black sweaters I would kill for, Megan had a lot of very helpful things to say about plotting a book. She will be one tough act to follow.

But follow I will. RWA-NYC has invited me to be their May brunch speaker, which is really super nice considering the treasurer took me aside during the break and tactfully reminded me I apparently am late with my renewal dues. I can’t say what my topic is (no, I really can’t, I haven’t a clue), but there will be food and drink and friendly faces. And May means spring in the city, so I’m sure I’ll come up with something.

In the meantime, I’m on deadline. Yeppers, Every Breath You Take, my super sexy Harlequin Blaze due out this October 1st was actually due in to my editor yesterday–as in Saturday. While I don’t flatter myself that she made a special trip into the office just to read my book, still, I really need to wrap things up so I can leave the apartment and go play. (Oh yeah, and getting paid would really help with those chapter dues). 😉

Spring really is close. The little quadrant of park space I can glimpse from my window is dappled with sunshine and though the people walking through that park and around it are bundled to the gills, still, there’s this feeling of anticipation, new beginnings on the horizon, of well, spring.

Springtime isn’t just a season. It’s a state of being, a way of looking at life–and not just looking on from the sidelines but stepping into the thick of things to savor, embrace. Yes, it’s still cold here and windy, and I’m guessing most of March will be spent wearing winter coats.

But in my soul, it’s 75 degrees and yes, spring.


Congratulations to My First Semi-Contest Winner

Congratulations to Deb H of Victor, IA, my first “semi-contest” winner. Deb’s fabulous prize is Julia Quinn’s On The Way to the Wedding. Way to go, Deb!

For those of you who didn’t win this time ’round, better luck next time–literally. My second semi-winner, to be drawn on March 11, will win How to Seduce a Duke by the incomparable Kathryn Caskie.

Welcome to Fabulous February–and Marvelous March

Hi Everyone,

To celebrate February, the official Month of Love, as well as the release of Untamed, my “Men of Roxbury House” trilogy finale, I’m running a *series* of very special contests through the end of March–with a little help from my friends. Along with my book, you’ll have the opportunity to win the latest romance reads from Julia Quinn, Kathryn Caskie, and Eloisa James. Click over to my contest page for details on how to enter–and win.

Wishing you a February filled with (chocolate) kisses,


Happy New Year

Whether you ring in the New Year clinking glasses with friends and party music pumping or at home watching the televised Times Square ball drop with Chinese carry-out and a cat curled on your lap, in the words of my STROKES OF MIDNIGHT heroine, Becky Stone, I wish you a 2008 chockful of “fresh starts and “dazzling opportunities.”

Happy New Year,
