News & Events

Lady Jane’s April Salon

Join us tonight, Monday, April 4th, 7-9PM for Lady Jane’s Salon at Madame X.

April’s scintillating Salon guests are Lisa Dale, Leslie Carroll and guest emcee Alisa Bowman.

Guest authors books will be available for sale and signing on site. (Cash only).

Admission is $5 or one paperback romance novel. Net proceeds support an end-of-year donation to a NYC women’s charity.

Lady Jane’s Salon on Monday, March 7th

It’s that time again. Join us on Monday, March 7th, 7-9 PM, at Madame X with returning guest authors, Cara Elliott and C.H. Admirand, and guest emcee, award winning blogger and debut historical nonfiction author, Elizabeth Kerri Mahon.

Admission is $5 or one gently-used paperback romance novel. Net proceeds support an end-of-year donation to a NYC women’s charity.

Happy Birthday, Lady Jane Video

The February 7th Lady Jane’s Salon celebrated a big milestone for our girl. She turned two! Fittingly, Salon attendance reached an all time peak with not only sitting but also standing (and breathing) space at premium.

Guest emcee, Andrew Shaffer had us all rolling in what little aisle space was left with hilarious snippets from his nonfiction release, Great Philosophers Who Failed at Love, demonstrating that really brainy people failing in matters of the heart may be tragic but it’s also really funny.

Guest authors Courtney Milan, Caridad Ferrer & Lauren Willig treated us to readings from their latest releases.

For those of you who weren’t able to join us in the flesh, please enjoy the video of our founders toast and donation presentation to our 2010 recipient charity, Women-In-Need.

LJ2_Donation and Toast from raj moorjani on Vimeo.

Happy Second Birthday, Lady Jane!

LADY-jane-logoOn Monday, February 7th, 7-9 PM my fellow co-founders (Leanna Renee Hieber, Ron Hogan, Maya Rodale), and I celebrate the second anniversary of Lady Jane’s Salon at our beloved Madame X. It’s hard to believe!

Joining us in ringing in the Big 0-2 are guest authors Courtney Milan, Lauren Willig, and Caridad Ferrer. Guest emcee, Andrew Shaffer, will read from his historical nonfiction debut, GREAT PHILOSOPHERS WHO FAILED AT LOVE.

Signed copies of the authors’ books will be available for purchase on site.

The festivities will include a champagne toast and presentation of an end-of-year donation check to Women In Need.

Launched in February ’09, Lady Jane’s remains New York City’s first (and so far only) reading series for romance fiction. Admission is $5 or one gently-used paperback romance novel. Book donations and net proceeds benefit New York City groups assisting women in need.

Subsequently Salons meet on the first Monday of the month unless otherwise noted. Visit us here at, on FaceBook at or follow us on Twitter@LadyJanesSalon.

Happy Birthday, Lady Jane, and Happy Valentine’s Month!

Congratulations Contest Winners!

Congratulations to my December and January contest winners: Sara W of Yorktown, VA and Sherry H of Judsonia, AR. Both Sara and Sherry correctly answered questions about my winter holiday release, A Harlequin Christmas Carol. The prize: one signed copy each of my contemporary romance, Strokes of Midnight featuring down-on-her-luck romance writer, Becky Stone.

Didn’t win this time ’round? No worries. The contest runs through May 31st, with one winner selected each month. Take two ticks to read the short online excerpt and correctly answer the contest question and be entered to win.

Happy Month of Hearts & Flowers,



Sometimes life is filled with delightful, seemingly random surprises. Coming into our second week of a new year, I’m happy to report that so far 2011 does not disappoint. This weekend I learned that A Rogue’s Pleasure, my Regency set historical romance debut reissued this summer with Carina Press, was up for a Best Book Award at Long and Short Reviews along with several other books, including those by some pretty powerhouse authors. How lovely!

Even lovelier, I logged online this morning to find that I’d won!

In lieu of lapsing into a full Sally Field (i.e., “You like me. You really like me!”) I’ll sign off now with heartfelt thanks to LASR and to all of you who took the time this weekend to share the love and vote for me. Without further “ado,” below is the lovely book trailer video created as part of my contest prize.


Lady Jane’s Salon: Welcome to a New Year

If you’re in the New York City tri-state area for the New Year holiday, please join us on Monday, January 3rd for Lady Jane’s Salon. Our guest readers this month are three great historical authors: Lisbeth Eng, KT Grant and Delilah Marvelle. Visit the Lady Jane web site for event details.

Wishing you a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year.


The Joy of Giving Something…

I first met Sally Andersen-Bruce in 2002 in Denver, Colorado at the launch ceremony for “Neuter/Spay,” the humane educational stamp series for which I had campaigned nationally since 1996. Sally was the stamp photographer for Neuter/Spay, and when we met just prior to the ceremony I immediately recognized a kindred soul.

Most recently, Sally photographed the Adopt a Shelter Pet stamp series popularized by celebrity spokesperson, Ellen Degeneres, and currently on sale at post offices nationwide. Sally is a dedicated advocate for homeless dogs and cats as well as a gifted photographer and lovely person.

Enjoy this short video on the behind-the-scenes for Adopt a Shelter Pet and please consider the joy of giving something–a loving home–to a homeless dog or cat this holiday season.


Lady Jane’s Salon Recap & Video

Many thanks to everyone who took time out from their busy holiday season to turn out for Monday’s Lady Jane’s Salon. Once again we were at standing room only–a fine welcome to the winter holidays, indeed!

Our guest readers were Lauren Willig, Jacquie D’Alessandro, and Me! Lauren read from The Mischief of the Mistletoe. As the title implies, hers is a Christmas book. It is also the latest in her popular Pink Carnation series. Can’t wait for more! Jacquie and I each read from our Christmas novellas in A Harlequin Christmas Carol. Though Jacquie swears this was her first time reading her work in public, we don’t believe her. She was a total pro!

As a Salon Co-Founder, it’s always a special thrill to be a guest at m/our own party and Monday’s Salon was no exception. Check out the video from my reading of Tomorrow’s Destiny in A Harlequin Christmas Carol.

Happy Holidays!