News & Events

Reminiscences of San Francisco

Recently I headed to the West Coast and spent a week in San Francisco. I’ve visited San Francisco quite a few times, and while I’ve never exactly left my heart there, there is something about the city that beckons me back.

San Francisco's goodwill ambassadors, the sea lions hanging out at Fisherman's Wharf.
San Francisco's goodwill ambassadors: the sea lions call Pier 39 at Fisherman's Wharf home.

When I revisit a place, I like to mix cherished old experiences–in this case, Fisherman’s Wharf, Ghiradelli Square, and yes, the requisite ride on the cable cars–with fun, offbeat new ones.

Part of my “new” on this trip was a pit-stop to The Buena Vista, a pub on the cusp of Fisherman’s Wharf credited with bringing the Irish coffee to America. Their Irish coffee packs a punch worthy of the Emerald Isle, and bonus, if you drink it while it’s still hot, the whipped cream won’t melt before you’ve finished. The Buena Vista serves upwards of 2,000 Irish coffees a day and if you try one, you’ll see why.

Fountain at Ghiradelli Square.
Mermaid fountain at Ghiradelli Square.

Another delightful new experience was a customized tour of wine country courtesy of Joe, owner of San Francisco Private Tours. I pretty much have a three winery limit, so at my request we stayed within Sonoma rather than press on to Napa. In the course of six lovely hours, I visited (and tasted at) three very different wineries: the long-established Jacuzzi Family Vineyards, the newly opened Anaba Winery, and Moon Mountain Vineyard. The latter boasts gorgeous vistas from the nearly 2,000 foot elevation of Mt. Vedeer, so it wasn’t only the vino making me dizzy! And bonus, in his “other life” Joe is an A-class crooner of standards, so I could drink California wine and be serenaded with Sinatra.

Hidden treasure. This angel carved from a felled tree found at foot of private drive near Twin Peaks.
Not so hidden treasure. I found this angel carved from a felled tree at the foot of a private driveway near Twin Peaks.

Of course the best part of any vacation is the wonderful appreciation for home that travel brings. When my plane touched down at JKF Airport, I felt the vibe of New York all but bubbling up from the tarmac. Waiting in the cab queue a short time later, I felt like I was home. Actually, I knew it.

Vive le voyage!


Lady Jane Salon Recap

Last night’s Lady Jane’s Salon was lovely indeed but don’t take my word for it. Instead, check out what Scandalous Woman blogger and savvy Lady Jane Salon attendee, Elizabeth Kerri Mahon, has to say on the subject.

Hope mugs for the camera with guest author buddy, Dee Davis, at the Jalon Salon.
Hope mugs for the camera with guest author buddy, Dee Davis, at the July Salon.

Lady Jane’s Salon Tonight

Tonight’s Lady Jane’s Salon welcomes guest authors Dianna Love, Dee Davis, and Anthea Lawson. Also, Susie Felber will present a special tribute to her author mom, the late Edith Layton.

Among our distinguished guests will be visiting out-of-towner, PW blogger, Barbara Vey. For the June Salon, Barbara’s videotaped set of interviews asking LJ guests to define romance fiction was such a rousing success that we hear she may have a similar video project up her proverbial sleeve this month, so stay tuned.

“Vitals” remain the same: 7-9 PM chez Madame X. Admission: $5 or one gently used paperback romance novel, proceeds to benefit Share the Love.


Congratulations Contest Winner!

Congratulations to Maribeth Curry, my first (but not last) Sizzling Summer Contest Winner. Maribeth, please email me your snail mail information offline at and I’ll get your signed copy of Bound to Please in the mail ASAP.

Didn’t win this time ’round? No worries. Sizzling Summer Part II starts up today through July 18th. Same prize, a signed copy of Bound to Please, and once again, to enter all you have to do is post a response to the following new question:

What is your favorite guilty (or not so guilty) summertime pleasure?


Cover Model…Colbert?

Last night I was an audience member of The Colbert Report with buddy Maya Rodale. Both longtime fans of the show, we were thrilled to be seated in the VIP audience seats (row #2!!!) where we would be up close and (hopefully) personal with our hero.

Hope with Maya before the taping.
Far right, Hope with Maya before the taping.

We were, we did, and I’m happy to rapport…oops, I mean, report, that satirist Stephen Colbert did not disappoint. Fresh back from broascasting in Iraq and with the buzz cut to show for it, in all…truthiness, Colbert is even funnier in person than on TV–and that’s saying a lot.

We’d been schooled by staffers that Colbert would come out for an audience Q&A prior to the taping and that we should all be ready with a question.

With or without hair, Colbert looks g-o-o-d. Photo courtesy of
With or without hair, Colbert looks g-o-o-d. Photo courtesy of

And I was ready, oh how I was ready…

Remember back in 2007 when Harlequin put out the word that the company was searching for manly “real men” to pose for their covers? Colbert caught wind of the campaign and announced on the Colbert Report that he was waiting for Harlequin’s call. “All right, the ball is in your court, Harlequin.” To prove it, he posed with an intern for several spoof covers–as a lusty pirate, a dude ranch cowboy, and a corporate mogul.

Flash forward to June 16, 2009 otherwise known as Last Night. Before I knew it, Colbert was being introduced. He shot out from the black stage curtain. The buzz cut threw me at first but only for like thirty seconds. In person and behind-the-scenes, Colbert isn’t just witty and funny.

He’s also absolutely gracious and dare I say…hawt!?!

The shout-out for questions came. I tucked a copy of Bound to Please beneath my bum and shot my hand up in the air. Colbert turned my way. Our gazes met, stuck like glue–contractor glue, not the schlocky kind the rest of us buy. My heart kicked into a canter (if in Regency England) or fired full throttle (if in modern day Manhattan). Regardless of era, my sub-A cup bosom was heaving like a mother f…Well, I was having a hard time catching my breath. My mouth went dry, bone dry, whilst/while other parts of me went instantly damp, drenched you might say…

And by “parts” I mean my palms.

“Yes?” Colbert asked. He strode my way, his wingtips devouring the studio floor separating us.

He stood before me now, all virile satirist and questing eyes. It was, I knew, my moment of truthiness. I gingerly slid the copy of Bound to Please from its hiding place ‘neath my…nether parts and handed it over to him. Our fingertips brushed. Ah, sweet bliss…

I whetted my parched desert dry lips. “I’m um…um…” Dash it, who the devil was I!?! “Oh, right, I’m Hope Tarr, I write romance novels for Harlequin Enterprises and I want to know when you’re going to be the cover model for my next steamy Harlequin release.”

Bound to Please bound to be better with...Colbert!?!

Witty repartee ensued–from Colbert, that is. I’d spent myself on the introduction. Fortunately my chained cover hero, his tussled tartan, and yes, the ever so subtle shout line on the cover, “This guy’s a sure thing!” were all grist for the comedy mill. He even posited potential titles for his Harlequin cover debut.

It was heady stuff, titillating times, but there were other audience members with questions to consider and well, I knew I mustn’t be greedy. I let him walk away, not into the sunset but into the strobe lighting. It’s for the best, I’m sure and yet…

Goodnight, Nation.


Sizzling Summer Contest, Call for Posts

Okay, so far we have four great posts to get the beach ball rolling, but we also have two weeks to go before I announce the first winner of a signed copy of Bound to Please. If you haven’t already, take two ticks and post your response to:

What do you like best about summer?

Could be a childhood memory, could be a random (or not so random) musing about summer in general. It’s your call.


Sizzling Summer: New Contest

Summer is beach read season. If you’re bound for the beach or even a beach towel somewhere outside, I want to give you a copy of Bound to Please to bring with you.

Look for TWELVE NIGHTS, the sequel, December 2009.

When I was a kid, summer meant smelling the charcoal of barbecue grills being fired up, getting to stay up that precious extra hour, and playing flash light tag until the neighborhood mom-on-duty all but dragged us inside. (“Mom, just five more minutes, pul-ease!“)

Since my move to Manhattan, summer has a different resonance but resonate it does–strolling through street fairs, picnicking in Bryant Park on free film nights, and lingering at outdoor cafe tables long after the plates are cleared.

Summer is for fun. And just for fun, every two weeks through the end of August, I will give away a copy of Bound to Please to one lucky commenter on my blog. Unlike my usual contest, there’s no excerpt to read, no right or wrong answer to give. Instead every two weeks I will post a new blog post calling out for a specific comment. All you need do is pipe up and post. Once the winner is announced–you–email me with your snail mail address, and I’ll send you your copy of Bound to Please. That’s it.

Hope (Far L) at Coney Island last summer with RWA/NYC friends, including Karen Cino & Elizabeth Mahon (Far R).
Hope (Far L) at Coney Island last summer with RWA/NYC friends, including Karen Cino & Elizabeth Mahon (Far R).

Already have Bound to Please? If so, let me know, and I’ll donate your contest copy to Share The Love and brighten the day of a woman transitioning from tough times.

As my friend and StL founder Maya Rodale says, “everyone deserves the pleasure of a good story.”

It’s a big online world made smaller when we all keep in touch.

Happy Summer!


Whirlwind Week!

This past week has been totally Mad Hatter in the best and dare I say most Manhattan of ways. In just slightly more than seven days, I:

Received an award for Vanquished from The Beach Book Festival, the ceremony held at the iconic Algonquin Hotel. Thanks to Festival Managing Director, Bruce Haring for the splendid cocktails, canapes, and yes, chance to chat up my fellow honorees.

Hope and Beach Book Festival Managing Director, Bruce Haring, at the uber elegant Algonquin Hotel. Photo courtesy of Hayat Ali.
Hope and Beach Book Festival Managing Director, Bruce Haring, at the uber elegant Algonquin Hotel. Photo courtesy of Hayat Ali.

Attended a multi-author reading at the Lower East Side bar, The Slipper Room emceed by my friend and fellow Lady Jane Salon co-founder, Ron Hogan. The theme was literature with adolescent protagonists. All four readers: Judy Blundell, Matthew Aaron Goodman, Theresa Rebeck, and Sung J. Woo were great and the five Bushwick Book Club musicians: Franz Nicolay, Susan Hwang, Dibson Hoffweiler, Tom Curtin, and Phoebe Kreutz kept the evening from getting too serious.

Saw some rockin’ live music from new-to-me band, Gordon Voidwell, performed in the back room of another Lower East Side watering hole, Pianos. I went on the recommendation of visiting Aussie friend, Greg, who’s obviously a lot more um…hip to the Manhattan music scene than I am. Props to you, Greg!

Gordon Voidwell and company at Piano's.
Gordon Voidwell and company at Piano's.

Attended a fundraiser cocktail party for The HIV Law Project. To learn more about this twenty-year-old (and counting) advocacy organization and the amazing work they do on behalf of those disenfranchised by their HIV-positive status, please visit the organization’s web site and yes, consider taking the opportunity to give whether that means money or time or both.

Last night, attended the exhibition, “Poison; Erika Keck & Christy Singleton” at Envoy Enterprises Gallery on Chrystie Street, Lower East Side with Scandalous Woman About Town, Elizabeth Kerri Mahon. Dubbed a “potent dose of visual venom” with the intent “to scare the f— out of you,” I’ll leave you judge the show for yourself. Let’s just say that for the first time in decades, I had the strong desire to sleep with my “blankie.”

In the midst of all this making-the-scene mayhem, I sat down and ate a whole steamed lobster. One and a half pounds. Every single bite. Myself. With yes, lots o’ melted…buttah!

Some weeks it’s good to be me. This was for sure one of them.

How’d your week go?


PS I’m rolling out my new Sizzling Summer Contest tomorrow, June 15th, so check back and find out how uber easy it is to enter.

Burning up the Blogosphere

Last Monday’s Lady Jane’s Salon was a superior success, and I’m far from the only one to say so. I’m delighted and yes, humbled by the outpouring of not only congratulatory emails but also blog posts from so very many of you who attended.

Hope catches up with Marjorie M Liu during the break.
Hope catches up with Marjorie M Liu during the break.

Below are links to the bloggers I know who covered the event, including those of fellow founders Leanna Renee Hieber and Maya Rodale.

(L-R) Guest authors Wendy Corsi Staub, Marjorie M. Liu, Diane Gaston & Amanda McCabe.
(L-R) Guest authors Wendy Corsi Staub, Marjorie M. Liu, Diane Gaston & Amanda McCabe.
Romantic Times BOOKreviews (Photos courtesy of Web Manager, Rob)

If you find a post not listed above, please feel free to reply with the link, and I’ll add it most merrily.

A final thank you to our four fabulous readers and to everyone who attended! On tap for the Monday, July 6th Salon: Anthea Lawson and Dee Davis.


On Behalf of Lady Jane

(L-R) Guest authors Wendy Corsi Staub, Marjorie M. Liu, Diane Gaston & Amanda McCabe.

Lady Jane’s June Salon: Quick Recap

To borrow from the classic rock song, “Oh what a lady, what a night!”

Last night’s Lady Jane’s Salon was double the fun and then some. Marjorie M Lui, Wendy Corsi Staub, Diane Gaston & Amanda McCabe rocked the house, which was standing room only by the time 7:30 rolled around. In addition to four great and very diverse readings, connections were made, and yes, books were sold and signed to benefit Share the Love all while sipping signature Madame X cocktails with deliciously naughty names.

Many thanks to all who turned out not only last night but who have been our consistent supporters: Rob and Faygie from Romantic Times BOOKReviews, Romance Novel TV, RWA/NYC prez Karen Cino, and a host of RWA/NYC members including bloggers extraordinaire Scandalous Woman Elizabeth Kerri Mahon and Kwana Jackson. And then there was visiting VIP guest, Barbara Vey from PW’s Beyond her Book blog. We ‘heart’ you, Barbara.

Photos to follow later in the week…
