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GIVEAWAY! More Free Books!

ClaimedByTheRogue_Cvr w Quote_300dpiAnd the winners are… Robin Greene, Diane Sallans, Deb Yates, Desiree Cleary, Aileen Davis, Juanita Decuir, Marie Woodfolk, Kelly Braun, Mary Kay Gaunt & Joy Isley! Thanks to all who entered. Please check back here at for updates on giveaways, new book projects and the the general latest good news. Happy Summer/Happy Reading! Hope

Enter my new Giveaway and you may win a FREE trade paperback copy of my latest historical romance, CLAIMED BY BY THE ROGUE signed by me! (1 book per winner; open to US residents only).  Early fans of my romance debut, A ROGUE’S PLEASURE, this is your chance to FINALLY find out what happens to Robert and Phoebe, that impromptu coupling of unlikely young lovers from book #1.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Happy Mother’s Day Month,

Get CLAIMED BY THE ROGUE for 99 Cents & Win a Gift Basket, Gift Card + More!

Hope_Gift BasketClaimedByTheRogue_Cvr w Quote_300dpiCLAIMED BY THE ROGUE, my first single title historical romance since 2008, releases in print on 3-3-15! Between now and Release Day, we’re offering the e-book for just 99 cents across the following platforms:

Google Play
Samhain Store

But, there’s more…

Help me keep the party going now through Release Week and enter the Giveaway below (Rafflecopter Entry Form at the end of this post). We’ll have twelve winners in total–and one of them may be YOU!

Grand Prize: Gift basket of pamper-you goodies (love poems, candle, votive, and of course, chocolate!) PLUS, signed-by-me hard cover copies of m/our erotic romances, SUGAR and HONEY–think Fifty Shades of Grey with grownups–the TEMPTING audiobook and the SCRIBBLING WOMEN anthology (28 romance authors including Yours Truly dishing on our Real-Life Love Stories, for charity).

Amazon Gift Card ImgAmazon Gift CardSecond Prize: $25 Amazon Gift Card (one winner)

Third Prize(s):  Autographed copy of SUGAR or HONEY, one book per winner; 10 individual winners.





To enter:


The more times you enter, the more chances you have to win!

Giveaway ends 3/6/15. Entries limited to US residents only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Last Day to Get TEMPTING for FREE! Plus, Never Before Released Excerpt!

Ever After Romance LogoTEMPTING_New Cvr_Pink Pearls_Final_12-9-11


Today (2/9) is your LAST DAY to get my Victorian set historical, TEMPTING for FREE, and I don’t want any of you, my dear readers, to miss out, especially when it’s all so perfectly simple and refreshingly easy. Download the awesome–and also #FREE–EverAfter Romance ebook app: (iOS) & (Android). In less than a minute, the book will appear on your shelf.

Already have the app? Even better, just enter Code: htfree

Still need help deciding? Enjoy this never before released snippet from TEMPTING.


Hope reading TEMPTING_2-2-15
Reading TEMPTING at Lady Jane’s Salon® on 2-2-15.

TEMPTING, © Hope Tarr, That Book, Inc.

Simon paced from one end of the fringed foyer runner to the other, white-gloved hands folded behind him. Piles of paperwork awaited him on his desk and yet with time on his hands still he hadn’t managed to make heads or tails of any of it. A soft sound stalled his steps. Expecting Mrs. Griffith or one of the housemaids, he looked to the staircase. And saw Christine.

          Garbed in a gown of saffron silk, her hair swept up into an intricate confection of ringlets, her bared shoulders held back to reveal every proud inch of her lithe frame, she graced him with a soft smile. “Simon.”

          Descending, she seemed more fantasy than flesh-and-blood, an exquisite angel floating toward him despite the hint of a hitch to her step. The hall was chilly but, inside him, heat spiked. Like a sleepwalker, he felt himself moving toward her, every glib greeting and clichéd compliment fleeing his brain. Only one word remained.    


          She stepped off the landing, and he reached up to take her hand in his. “I’m not late, am I?”

          That made him smile. Despite her finery, she was so unspoiled, so… dear. “To be truly fashionable, you should have kept me waiting for at least a half hour.” Realizing he still held onto her hand, he released it with regret.

          Her smile dimmed. “Oh dear, I’ve gone about it all wrong again, haven’t I?”

          Her words touched off the tenderness in his heart. “No, I’m glad you’re here.” He took the cape from her and hung it upon the hall tree. Turning back, he said, “I have a present for you.”

          He led her over to the pier glass. Stepping behind her, he caught his first glimpse of her gown’s low back. All that beautiful bareness had him searching for his next breath.

          Finding it, he said, “Close your eyes.”

          She obeyed, and he reached into the inner pocket of his cutaway jacket and withdrew the black velvet box. “No peeking,” he chided, seeing her eyelid flicker. He snapped open the box. Withdrawing the necklace, he brought the gold chain about her throat.

          “It’s cold.” She reached up, her fingertips brushing the pendant dangling just above the swell of her breasts.

          “It was a long and rather bracing ride back from town,” he admitted.

          “Your business was to buy me a gift?” Eyes still closed, she leaned back ever so slightly against him.

          “It was.” He fumbled but finally fastened the clasp. He lingered a moment more, inhaling her sweet, clean scent, then stepped back. “Open your eyes.”

          She did, and their gazes met in the mirror. She looked down at the necklace and uttered an exclamation of delight. “Oh, Simon, it’s fair near the same color as my gown. How did you know?”

          “My spies are everywhere.” He winked, feeling light and young and altogether freer than he had in years, quite possibly ever. That the pendant complemented her gown was pure happenstance. He’d bought the amber because the color made him think of her eyes, eyes capable of capturing men’s hearts with a single, liquid look. “Do you like it?”

          She whisked about to face him. “It’s the loveliest gift I’ve ever gotten.”

          You’re the loveliest thing I’ve ever seen, he thought but didn’t dare say.

          “I’m glad,” he said, both happy and humbled that his token had made her so happy.

          She took a step back. “Do I look—” She faltered, brow furrowed, likely searching for one of the long, elegant words she shored up for such occasions. “Do I look…ravished?”

          Accustomed as he’d become to the artful simpering of society beauties, Christine’s guilelessness was akin to being handed a glass of iced lemonade after hours of sun baked toil. Refreshing, delicious, sweet—and yet tartly tempting.

          Pressing a hand to the small of her back, he felt her shiver against his fingertips. “Not yet…but then the evening is young.”

                 ~~~ ~~~  




NY Post iPhone pic

Sometimes Christmas–or in this case, Valentine’s–comes early! Check out the article featuring me in today’s New York Post and find out how data science, a divorce–and a seriously awesome 1860’s “fainting couch”–led me to NYC where I wrote OPERATION CINDERELLA and found my very own Happily Ever After!

(Author photo by Anne Wermiel for the NY POST).

Operation_Cinderella_cvr_RV_July 2013Operation Cinderella_cvr_500


Get Tempting for FREE at Ever After

Ever After Romance LogoTEMPTING_New Cvr_Pink Pearls_Final_12-9-11


February is the official Month of Hearts and Flowers, the host month to Valentine’s Day, a (mostly) stress-free holiday centered on that most elevating–and essential–of emotions: LOVE. To kick off the celebration, I’ve partnered with Ever After Romance, the awesome new **FREE** e-book app devoted exclusively to romance fiction. Now through February 10th, Ever After is giving away my Victorian romance, TEMPTING **FREE** to new users! Just download the app, create an account in two seconds, and voila, the book appears in your library. Already have the app? Even better! Use Code htfree and you can get Tempting free, too.  Below are the links:





Ooh la la, It’s (Double) Release Day in France!

French cvrCendrillon Relookee_Milady cvrThe Cinderella Makeover, Book #2 in my Suddenly Cinderella series from Entangled Publishing, released in France today with Milady/Bragelonne as Cendrillon Relookée! Savor the super cute cover and then please be sure to let all your francophile–and francophone–romance reading friends know about the book.

And there’s more…

Strokes of Midnight, another sexy NYC set contemporary romance, released from Harlequin France as Fantasmes à Fleur de Peau, paired with another steamy title from the talented Kathleen  O’Reilly. Two red hot reads, one low price — enjoy!

A bientot!





Reading OPERATION CINDERELLA at Lady Jane’s Salon®

On January 5th, I had the pleasure (and honor!) of reading from OPERATION CINDERELLA at Lady Jane’s Salon®, the NYC-based romance reading series (the city’s first and still only!), which I co-founded…((gulp!))…six years ago. As always, the crimson clad venue, Madame X, was superb, our audience of dedicated romance readers, writers, and publishing professionals generous and supportive. Below is the short video. Please feel free to share it online with other readers. And if you haven’t yet, please download your FREE copy of Operation Cinderella from the e-tailer of your choice–Kindle, Nook, Kobo, iTunes, Google Play etc. We’ve had MORE THAN 250,000 downloads since the promo began in mid-December, with many of you going on to download the other Suddenly Cinderella series books as well. But, like all things, the giveaway won’t go on forever. The freebie ends 12 midnight, January 12th. Blessings & Happy 2015! Hope

Hope Tarr Reading Operation Cinderella from raj moorjani on Vimeo.


Operation_Cinderella_cvr_RV_July 2013The winter holidays are the perfect time to press pause on busy lives and say thank you to the people (and pets!) who make our lives brighter every day of the year, not only December 25th. To show our appreciation to YOU, my Dear Readers, we’re offering OPERATION CINDERELLA, the first book in my Suddenly Cinderella series, FREE across platforms now through January 11.  Below are the links to download the title.

Kindle edition from
Nook edition from Barnes&Noble
Kobo edition
iTunes edition

Wishing you a holiday season and New Year brimming with fairytale dreams come true,



Tea for Two

Suzan + HopeI recently rounded out my Big Birthday Month+ with afternoon tea at Lady Mendl’s courtesy of my lovely author friend, Suzan Colón (Beach Glass). Located within The Inn at Irving Place in the tony, London-like NYC enclave of Gramercy Park, Lady Mendl’s consistently ranks as the city’s most romantic tea salon–with good reason. Sit back and savor a quick, calorie-free tour of our nearly three hours’ time travel back to a kinder, gentler, infinitely more gracious time.

LM_CenterpieceOn arrival, we were greeted by our winsome, 20-something server-to-be. Wearing a chic black wrap dress, rope of pearls, and a soft, scarlet-painted smile, she directed us to the beautifully-appointed parlor where our coats were whisked away and we were seated before the crackling fire. Ah, I could get used to this.

After a brief respite for thawing, we were led into the adjacent dining room. A quick scan of the opulently appointed yet cozy chamber confirmed that high tea had been a VERY good idea indeed. And that Lady M’s is a venue where even the teensiest detail is accounted for, down to the exquisite, pearl-festooned miniature centerpieces gracing each cloth-covered table.

LM_Squash SoupOur respective teas selected, the five-course repast began. Course #1 was a warming butternut squash soup–or was it pumpkin? Regardless, it was delicious, the perfect starter for shaking off the gray chill of the day.

Next, we were each brought a plate of the ubiquitous tea sandwiches only these weren’t ubiquitous at all but creative and delicious, not to mention farm-to-table fresh. My favorite? The smoked salmon with crème fraiche and Wasabi caviar.

LM_Finger SandwichesWith the savories out of the way, it was time to transition to the sweets. Course #3 was a hearty scone dressed with Devonshire Clotted Cream (!!!) and preserves.

Slices of Lady Mendl’s signature (mouth melting) cake followed as our fourth, mine sporting a single birthday candle.

We finished with plates of assorted miniature cookies and chocolate-covered strawberries and, of course, a final cup of tea. So. Civilized.

LM_Cake (last crs)Throughout, industry news was weighed and waxed upon and worlds saved–well, at least our fictional ones. 😉

If you live in, or plan to visit, NYC, seriously consider taking tea at The Inn at Irving Place. And don’t be surprised if a detailed scene of “high tea” doesn’t find its way into a next Hope Tarr novel. Maybe even the historical women’s fiction saga set in NYC I’m researching now.


LM_Dessert Plate





GIVEAWAY! Calling All Cinderellas

Okay, I’ll admit it. I’m not only In Love. I’m In Lust.

content_Fall-Accessories-2With a pair of shoes.

Purple velvet jeweled heels, to be exact, from the incomparable Dolce & Gabbana. Flipping through Gotham magazine, it was lust at first sight.  I mean, just look at this photo. How can you not…Want…Those? They’re seriously gorgeous, Cinderella worthy.

These shoes are so on my Wish List–and at a smidgen under $3K, they’re going to have to stay there.

Along with the hefty price tag, think of all the “incidental” costs associated with owning them. No way would I walk the NYC streets with these on my feet. The mere thought of dinging that fragile, gilded window of a heel on a curb back has me cringing. Ditto for talking the Subway or hailing a cab. What if there was–gasp–a splash! Nope, it would have to be Uber all the way. Come to think of it, my own coach–I mean car–and driver would be all kinds of better.

What totally impractical item do you covet?

Tweet me your comment @HopeTarr #SuddenlyCinderella, and you may win a copy of OPERATION CINDERELLA, the launch to my #Suddenly Cinderella contemporary fairytale series, optioned for feature film by FOX. (There is another fab pair of shoes passed among the Cinderella heroine of each book).

*Winner selected randomly from among the first 20 people to comment on Twitter using #SuddenlyCinderella.

**Above image courtesy of