News & Events

My Hard Cover Debut: SUGAR with Jenna Jameson!

JJ_Pub Shot

I’m thrilled to announce my latest—and until now Super Secret—project, SUGAR (Skyhorse Publishing, October 2013), a contemporary erotic romance with the incomparable Jenna Jameson!

SUGAR will be Jenna’s fiction debut, and I’m over-the-moon honored to partner with her in bringing her sexy and soulful story to readers.

SUGAR is a first for me as well: my hard cover debut!

The project is also my first teaming with another author, and I’ll admit I wasn’t quite certain what to expect. Writing is, by its very nature, a solitary profession. What would it be like to invite another writer into my Writing Cave? What would it be like to be a guest in hers? I’m happy to report the experience has been A+++ on all levels, an uncanny meeting of complementary minds, talents, and life experiences.

But then it’s no surprise that Jenna can bring the sexy and then some! Her 2010 memoir, HOW TO MAKE LOVE LIKE A PORN STAR, sold a quarter of a million copies and hit the New York Times bestseller list.

So what’s SUGAR about?

As my longtime readers will attest, second chances are a recurring theme in all my books, contemporary and historical, yet another reason I am so jazzed about SUGAR.

Like Jenna, the heroine of SUGAR is a former porn star, a smart, savvy, strong woman who’s taken total charge of her career and has now decided to refocus her priorities on her personal life. Fleeing the bright lights and big city of Los Angeles, she moves to Manhattan to reinvent herself. In doing so, she gets more than she bargained for—a lot more.

Cover reveal—trust me, it’s g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s and smokin’ hot—and additional details about the book coming soon!

* Jenna Jameson, Photo courtesy of IMDb.

Suddenly Cinderella Amazon Gift Card Giveaways!


5-8-13: Congratulations to my three winners: Blake K, Ayana F & Gloria W! Your Amazon Gift Cards are en route. Many thanks to all my readers for making the blog tour so much fun and please look for the Suddenly Cinderella series finale releasing Fall 2013.

To paraphrase the late great Agatha Christie, there is nothing like champagne on a champagne occasion.  Or, I would add, Amazon gift cards to sate the appetite of voracious romance readers!

And so I am celebrating the release of THE CINDERELLA MAKEOVER, Book #2 in my Suddenly Cinderella Series, with but one, not two, but three Amazon gift card giveaways. The cards, valued at $10 each, will go to three randomly selected winners.

To be entered to win, see the Rafflecopter form below for instructions — it’s simple, I promise!

May the odds be with you. 😉



a Rafflecopter giveaway


TheCinderellaMakeover-1600pxToday was the release day for THE CINDERELLA MAKEOVER, Book #2 in my Suddenly Cinderella Series of contemporary fairytale-themed romances, and here in steamy Melbourne, Australia, I had quite a Princess-for-a-Day party!

I started off with a visit to RendezVous The Romance Bookstore where the lovely and knowledgeable Mirna Denic was holding down the fort–in this case the shop. Between fielding phone calls from romance enthusiasts, patiently steering each customer to the next perfect for them read, she chatted with me about my series. We even managed to squeeze in a bit of picture taking!

Next stop was Dymock’s where I chatted up the romance specialist on staff and left a stack of bookmarks for the romance fiction book club that meets monthly at the store.

A time out at the National Gallery of Victoria provided a pleasant two-hour stroll through the museum’s impressive collection of paintings, sculpture, and pottery by Australian artists.  The artistic foray was field work for an upcoming novel!

Melbourne_RendezVous Romance Bookstore_Mirna_March_11_2013
With Mirna Denic of Melbourne’s iconic RENDEZVOUS The Romance Bookstore.

Melbourne_RendezVous Romance Bookstore_Facade_Mzarch_11_2013Melbourne_RendezVous Romance Bookstore_Book Table_March_11_2013All that walking can leave an author girl footsore–and feeling more like a stepsister who’d attempted to cram her hoof into a too tiny glass slipper than an actual princess. The remedy: a 20 minute foot massage at a local day spa!

Then it was off to dinner — a dozen local “pearls of the sea” plus a hearty steak at Pop in Hardware Lane.

Now its back to the hotel and an early lights out in prep for tomorrow’s trip down the Great Ocean Road, which follows Victoria’s ruggedly beautiful southwestern coast. .



Greetings from Oz

Hi Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary_Hope_w_Kaola_Feb_28_2013All!

I am writing this post from sunny Melbourne, the second stage of my Australian…progress. 😉

My tour started with the third annual Australian Romance Readers Conference, ARRC2013, in Brisbane where I was honored to present our first ever overseas Lady Jane’s Salon. Four fabulous guests (Cathy Maxwell, Keri Arthur, Amy Andrews & Anna Campbell), an enthusiastic audience of more than 100 attendees, and a bistro style setting cleverly created by conference coordinator Debbie Jay et al. contributed to a rousing success. Read more about the Salon program here.

Following Friday night’s Salon, I took off my co-founder cap and put on my author tiara. Panels and a book fair rounded out the week.

Around the conference, I managed to squeeze in trips to Carrumbin Wildlife Sanctuary and Mount Tambourine with fellow author, Cathy Maxwell. Cuddling koalas, hoisting wine glasses, and dining on Moreton Bay “bugs” (trust me, they’re a delicacy) made for a spectacularly fun week. Many thanks to the delightful Megan Bamford for her extraordinary hospitality and hostessing skills.

Before leaving Brisbane for Melbourne, I stopped by the legendary Rosemary’s Romance Books and visited with proprietress extraordinaire, Rosemary Potter.

Rosemary's Romance Books-StorefrontI’ve had the pleasure of seeing Rosemary stateside over the years, usually at RT BOOK Lovers conferences but catching up in her beautiful store was truly special. Wood paneled book shelves, a fainting couch, and myriad romance novels, all meticulously cataloged and shelved, had me wishing I might make a day of my visit rather than an hour. Along with a huge hug, I left er with a stack of bookmarks for my Suddenly Cinderella series.

Tonight I am meeting local author Alison Stuart for a candlelit ghost walk of Melbourne city. Boo!

Our first ever overseas Lady Jane’s Salon for ARRC2013 was a huge success thanks to the organizers, the welcoming audience, and our four great guests. Left to Right, Hope Tarr, Amy Andrews, Keri Arthur, Anna Campbell & Cathy Maxwell
Hope_Book Fair_ARRC2013
I was one of more than 65 authors signing at the ARRC2013 Book Fair.

Next week, I depart for Sydney. Please stay tuned for an article on my Australian trip for the print version of RT BOOK Reviews magazine this summer.






Entangled in Love Blog Hop & Twitter Par-tay!

Join me and 49 other fab Entangled authors in celebrating the month of hearts & flowers with a blog hop!

My giveaway: one digital copy of OPERATION CINDERELLA,the launch to my Suddenly Cinderella Series of contemporary fairytale-themed romances. To enter:

Like my Facebook page


Follow me on Twitter @HopeTarr

Click here to check out what the other authors are giving away during the Entangled In Love blog hop!
~~~ ~~~
To kick off the hop, we also have a Twitter Party, details below:

Date : February 8th, 2013.
Time : 9pm EST.
Hashtag : #EntangledInLove
What : We’ll be asking Valentine’s day related questions and each question has prizes to be won! Answer right for a chance to win some of the many awesome prizes!
Where : Follow the instructions below!
1. Go to
2. Fill in the hash-tag as #EntangledInLove
3. Fill in the hosts
4. Enter your twitter handle, follow the tweets, answer the questions and you may just get lucky!
Don’t forget to mention the #EntangledInLove hashtag in your replies!


A Suddenly Cinderella Night on Broadway

Broadway Theatre Marquis#2_Jan_28_2013For Christmas, my boyfriend surprised me with two tickets to see Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella on Broadway. It was such a great gift! Along with loving all things to do with the fairytale, I have fond childhood memories of watching the annual televised broadcast of the Rodgers & Hammerstein musical with a very young, very lovely Leslie Ann Warren in the title role.

Last night I took a break from working on revisions for Project Cinderella to attend the performance at the Broadway Theater. The music, cast, costuming, and set design were all fabulous. In addition to cherished numbers such as “In My Own Little Corner,” “Ten Minutes Ago,” and “Do I Love You Because You’re Beautiful” ((sigh)), there were some new-to-me songs that had been cut from the shortened TV version. There was also some updating of the storyline, notably Cinderella persuading the prince to permit democratic voting and then voting herself.

Cinderella as suffragette — why not? <g>

At the play’s end and after the cast took its final bow, “Prince Topher” called a couple up on stage. The gentleman, a NYPD officer, had arranged in advance to propose to his long-term girlfriend onstage–and on bended knee, of course. That he did surrounded by a glittering cast and a rapt audience, including several friends holding up signs, “Will you marry me?”

Play Sign_with glass slipperRaj&Hope_Bway Theatre_Jan_28_2013Happily she said yes. 🙂

It just goes to show that Happily Ever After beginnings aren’t just the stuff of storybooks. They happen in Real Life, too!

Glass slippers are so back–indeed!



The Three Faces of VANQUISHED, Vote for Your Favorite

Vencida_PNGA few years ago Medallion Media Group, the wonderful publisher of my Victorian-set Men of Roxbury House trilogy–VANQUISHED, ENSLAVED & UNTAMED–sold the books to publishers in France and Italy. And now there is a third foreign sale to report, this time to Spain!

Libros de Seda, my Spanish publisher, kindly forwarded me the book cover for VENCIDA (VANQUISHED) and well, I couldn’t be more pleased! The photograph was taken in 1920 in Trieste, Italy. As my hero, Hadrian St. Clare, is a portrait photographer hired to take a risque photograph of my suffragette spokeswoman heroine, Caledonia–Callie–Rivers to ruin her personally and discredit her publicly, having a photograph grace the cover of this latest foreign language edition feels especially fitting.

Still, all three covers are gorgeous, all unique and vastly different visual takes on the book. Which is your favorite?

Post your vote as a comment to this blog post between now and 12 midnight EST, February 1st . One randomly selected commenter will win a free copy of VANQUISHED–digital or print, your pick.




Won’t You Be My Sweetheart?

Operation Cinderella_cvr_500Well, folks, 2013 is off to a bang up start! OPERATION CINDERELLA, Book #1 of my Suddenly Cinderella Series with publishing juggernaut Entangled — read the fabo breaking news about the company’s new joint venture with Big Six Publisher MacMillan here —  received a FIVE  Star review from The Romance Studio.

But there’s more…

The book is now up for TRS’s Five Star Sweetheart Vote, a “best of the best” award for those books that received  5-star reviews from the site. To vote, click here.

Voting closes on Sunday, January 13th at midnight EST, so if you liked the book, I hope you’ll take two ticks and cast your ballot.

Many thanks, TRS!



Let’s Stay Together in 2013!

Happy 2013!

One of the ways I am launching this new year is by upgrading my newsletter system. (We began in late 2012 in prep). The new system requires all subscribers to re-confirm their membership on my mailing list. For those of you who have already done so, huzzah and thanks!

If you have not yet re-confirmed your subscription, please keep an eye out for a reminder email from [email protected]. Don’t see it in Ye Olde Inbox? Please check your spam/junk folder, or you can re-subscribe directly at

As most of you know, I keep Hope Tarr News super low key–I only send out updates prior to a book release or other “major” news. Newsletters never go out more than quarterly, often less. Still, it’s a great way for me to keep in touch with each one of you en masse and to share news in a meatier format than Twitter and Facebook allow.

I hope you’ll take two ticks and confirm. One click and you’re done–promise!

Any technical difficulties, please contact my web team at [email protected].

Thanks–and let’s stay together in 2013!



Rounding Out the Holidays, Ringing in a New Year

A Suddenly Cinderella Christmas Carol_cvr_FinalAs I write this, we’re just about a day and a half away from 2013. That feels hard to fathom. I’m not much for making resolutions, but at the advent of every New Year I try to find a few quiet minutes to reflect on the prior twelve months. What were my triumphs? What were my challenges–and most importantly, what lessons have I learned to carry into the coming year and hopefully make it that much kinder and gentler?

I also use this time take stock of my blessings. Leading the list for 2012: we survived Sandy with our health and home intact. Many of my New York and New Jersey neighbors were far less fortunate. My heart goes out to those who are still without homes at the holidays.

For those who feel you can afford to give, The Red Cross continues to accept donations for Hurricane Sandy survivors here.

On the career front, I embarked on an exciting new contemporary fairytale-themed Suddenly Cinderella series with Entangled Publishing. Just over one year old, Entangled has taken the romance industry by storm, challenging often outdated conventions and even rattling a few cages, all in the very best of ways. I am blessed to be writing not one book but four for this forward-thinking and creative team.

Suddenly Cinderella Book #1, OPERATION CINDERELLA released in mid-October and the feedback from reviewers and readers has been overwhelmingly positive. For the most part, people seem to really like my opposites’ attract love story with elements of Cinderella and “Revenge” interleaved against a “Sex and the City” backdrop. Two more full-length novels, PROJECT CINDERELLA and THE CINDERELLA CAPER will release in 2013.

With so many people hurting financially and struggling to afford a nice holiday for their families, price point is more important to me now than ever before. When I agreed to add a winter holiday novella to the series, I asked the publisher to please consider pricing it at under a dollar. The fine folks at Entangled agreed and A CINDERELLA CHRISTMAS CAROL, a fun flirt holiday read, is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble for just 99 cents.

Many of the stops on my holiday blog tour offer either A CINDERELLA CHRISTMAS CAROL or OPERATION CINDERELLA as giveaways. I hope readers will take advantage of these chances to win free copies of my books as well as chime in and chat about everybody’s favorite topic: romance. Below are a few places to find me:

More stops coming through January 9th!

Lastly but far from least-ly, now that the holidays are (almost) over I hope you’ll take two ticks and give a listen to my interview with Romance Radio Network. A few weeks ago, I had the honor of being host Desmond Haas’ 100th interview, quite an honor indeed! Please take a moment to stop by and congratulate Desmond on his achievement.

SD_Coronodo Beach_Sand Sculpture_Nov_30_2012With warm wishes for a New Year brimming with bright new beginnings and fairy tale dreams come true,
