Lady Jane’s Salon Recap & Coming Attractions

The November 2nd Lady Jane’s Salon was the usual lovely time. Guest readers New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, Caridad Pineiro (“Sins of the Flesh”) and local author and Huffington Post contributor, Joanne Rendell (“Crossing Washington Square”) were delightful.

 NYT and USA Today Bestseller, Caridad Pineiro read from her latest release, "Sins of the Flesh."
NYT and USA Today Bestseller, Caridad Pineiro read from her latest release, "Sins of the Flesh."
From left to right, Ron Hogan, Maya Rodale, Joanne Rendell, Tony Haile and Leanna Renee Hieber take the stage to read a scene from Joanne's "Crossing Washington Square."
From left to right, Ron Hogan (off stage), Maya Rodale, Joanne Rendell, Tony Haile and Leanna Renee Hieber take the stage to read a scene from Joanne's "Crossing Washington Square."

Joanne had the cool idea to make her reading an ensemble act. As you can see from the photo, the cast mates enjoyed themselves as did the audience.

It's good to be queen...Award-winning blogger and author, Elizabeth Kerri Mahon as Marie Antoinette takes the cake--and the crown--as guest emcee.
It's good to be queen...Award-winning blogger and author, Elizabeth Kerri Mahon as Marie Antoinette takes the cake--and the crown--as guest emcee.

“Well-behaved women rarely make history” has become as much credo as quote for we “modern day” women and our special guest emcee, Elizabeth Kerri Mahon has spun that (high) concept into first an award-winning blog, “Scandalous Women” and now a soon to be released non-fiction book.

Elizabeth and the late Queen of France, Marie Antoinette share not only fashionista status but the same November 2nd birthday. Fittingly, Elizabeth read the profile of Marie she wrote for her blog and book.

And then of course we ate cake. 🙂

A rapt audience, including Yours Truly (foreground) looks on.
A rapt audience, including Yours Truly (foreground) looks on.

On tap for the December Special Winter Holiday Salon, Monday, December 7th are romance novel reviewer and writer, Stacey Agdern reading from her Hanukkah novella and Yours Truly reading from my Christmas Harlequin Blaze release, Twelve Nights. As a special dash of goodness, we’ll close out Harlequin Entreprises’s 60th Anniversary Year with a very special presentation by Senior Editor, Brenda Chin, coming to us direct from HQ headquarters in Toronto.

If you live in New York or plan a trip here to take in the holiday decorations, please put Lady Jane’s on your calender. We meet 7-9 PM at Madame X. Admission is $5 or one gently-used paperback romance novel with proceeds supporting programs serving women-in-need.


Happy Valentine’s Day & Congrats Contest Winners

What better way to ring in the Day of Hearts and Flowers than by announcing good news?

((Okay, well maybe I can think of an even better way, but I do try to keep the blog-o-zine at the PG-13 level)).

Congratulations to my three latest contest winners: Jean M of Broomfield, CO; Patricia B of Jonesborough, TN; and Jessica P of Norman, OK. Like so many of you who entered, these savvy ladies knew that in Every Breath You Take…, for years Cole has been rooting for Alex to finish that novel.

Each winner will each receive an Untamed coverflat keepsake and a signed copy of Strokes of Midnight.

Didn’t win this time ’round? In love and life, there’s almost a second chance lurking around the corner. Check out my current Contest and see how you can win and yes, Share the Love with women working to build independent lives.

Happy Valentine’s Day!


Live from New York, It’s Lady Jane’s!

Our Lady Jane’s Salon, Manhattan’s first (and so far only) reading series devoted to romance fiction goes lives tonight. Featured authors are Andrea Pickens and yes, this Hope Tarr chick. In the spirit of ramping up for Valentine’s Day, we’ll be reading from our latest steamy romance releases and engaging in witty repartee during the Q&A.

I’m happy to report the buzz is well, buzzing. So far we’ve made TIME OUT NEW YORK,, and Romance Novel TV will be on hand to cover the event as will Publishers’ Weekly’s own beloved romance Blog Mistress, Barbara Vey.

If you’re in the Big Apple Tonight and looking for a recession-buster outing to brighten the Monday Blues, join us at Madame X, 94 West Houston from 7-9 PM. $5 or one gently-used paperback romance novel gets you in, with proceeds to benefit Share The Love. Can you say “Oy vey and what a deal?”


Proudly Presenting…Lady Jane

Once upon a time three romance authors and one blogger went out in Manhattan after attending one of the city’s many literary reading series. Amidst the pungent aroma of cigars and single-malt scotch the conversation turned to the sad fact that there exists no reading forum for romance fiction in Manhattan, the seat of the publishing kingdom. And that struck us–oops, them–as really rather sad.

Then one of the romance writers, we’ll call her Princess Maya, got this gleam in her eye. All, well, gleamy-eyed, she looked ’round the Round Table (okay, it was a booth, but…), drew a deep breath, and announced, “Jeepers, let’s start a romance reading series of our very own!”

Okay, she didn’t actually say “jeepers.” I’m totally making that part up but the rest, for sure, is right on the money. And within that 30 seconds or so of yes, sheer brilliance, Lady Jane was born.

Co-sponsored by Share the Love and and co-founded by Maya Rodale, Ron Hogan, Leanna Renee Hieber, and yes, Moi, Lady Jane’s Salon is Manhattan’s first (and so far only) reading series devoted to romance fiction. The Salon will meet on the first Monday of every month starting February 2nd, 7-9 PM at the uber swank Madame X lounge in Tribeca.

The program format will be two author readers per evening with a short break between and a Q&A gab fest finale. Andrea Pickens and Yours Truly will be getting the party started in February; future authors TBA.

Admission is one gently-used romance novel or $5, your pick. All proceeds will benefit Share The Love, a non-profit organization that distributes gently-used romance novels to groups assisting women-in-transition. That we get to read our books and share the possibility of Happily Ever After beginnings with women working to build hopeful, independent lives is more than the best of both worlds. It’s the stuff of which real life fairytales are made.

For directions and other delicious details, please check out my Media and Events page. And for more juicy behind-the-scenes scoopage, please plan to stop by our live chat this Sunday, January 25th at Romance Novel TV.

Wishing you sweet dreams and candy-heart kisses…


Holiday Goodness Challenge: Yes, We Can! We…Did!

To borrow President Elect Obama’s campaign slogan, “Yes, we can!” Even better, we did.

Many thanks to the following generous souls who participated in my Holiday Goodness Challenge to benefit the ASPCA by giving a gift of $10, in some cases, more to support formerly homeless companion animals.

A once homeless pet has something to purr about--because of you. Image courtesy of
A once homeless pet has something to purr about--because of you. Image courtesy of

Debbie J, Levittown, NY

Jessica D, Arlington, VA

Jennifer K, Ashburn, VA

Madelina R, Parlin, NJ

Jacquie D, Atlanta, GA

Heidi B, Kylertown, PA

Mary R, Brentwood, NY &

Kay A, Blaine, MN.

Because of you, we reached our goal of $100–and saved the life of one dog or cat this holiday season. I mailed your signed copies of Vanquished over the weekend, so hopefully you’ll receive the books sometime this week.

Romance fiction writers are some of the kindest, most generous folks on the planet, ever ready to lend a helping hand to a good cause, and my Holiday Goodness Challenge was no exception. My heartfelt thanks go out to the following publishers, online communities and authors: Romantic Times BOOKReviews Magazine, The Rebels of Romance (Liz Maverick and Marianne Mancusi), Romance Vagabonds, Medallion Press, Jacquie D’Alessandro, Leanna Renee Hieber, and Heidi Betts.

Finally, I have a new contest posted, with copies of Strokes of Midnight and cover flat keepsakes of Untamed as giveaway prizes. Please check back later in the week when I post last month’s contest winners. The latter might just include…You!

Happy Tales/Tails,


Happy New Year

2008 has been an amazing year for me. Highlights include a move to Manhattan, my first but definitely not last trip to Ireland and yes, the release of two more novels, Bound to Please and now Every Breath You Take...

Many thanks to all of you who stopped by Book Talk with J&J yesterday to chat with me about Every Breath You Take… Among those who visited to cheer me on were bestselling writer buddies, Jacquie D’Alessandro and Tony and Lori Karayianni w/a Tori Carrington. Never doubt that the romance writing community harbours some of the kindest and most generous souls on the planet. And congratulations to my three prize winners: Elaine (Lainey), Sara H, and Sarah T. I hope you enjoy my New Year’s themed Blaze, Strokes of Midnight.

In the spirit of ringing in the new, I’ll be blogging at on Monday, January 12th, and yes, there will be at least one of my back list books offered as a give-away prize. Please check my web site’s Media + Events page for event listings throughout the year.

Finally, thanks to all of you who’ve taken up my Holiday Goodness Challenge to benefit the ASPCA. Donation receipts are rolling in, but we’re not to our goal of $100 quite yet, and I have copies of Vanquished still to give away. In these tough times, your generous $10 gift means more than ever before.

Wherever you are tonight and however you choose to celebrate…

May 2009 be a year of fairy tale dreams come-true.


Every Breath You Take…It’s Heeeeeeeeeere

Ever wonder what happened to The One Who Got Away?

My latest Harlequin Blaze release, Every Breath You Take… is now shipping from–yippee!

A second chance at love story, Every Breath You Take… reunites Alexandra–Alex–Kendall with her One Who Got Away: sexy former FBI special agent Cole Whittaker. But five years have passed. Hurt feelings and yes, secrets have mounted. A mission to steamy Belize provides the chance to put the past behind them and move forward with the future. Before they can, though, they each have to forgive not only the other but most importantly, themselves.

Forgiveness, second chances, redemptive love…it’s beginning to sound “a lot like Christmas,” as they say.

Wishing you a holiday season chock full of sexy second chances…


Happy Holidays

In case you haven’t noticed how quiet this blog has been, I’ll admit it. My gadfly wings have been seriously clipped by the need to get some honest to goodness writing done. Still, you know what they say about all work and no play…

EKM and Moi looking very pleased with our holiday gift bags. Love those prezzies...
EKM and Moi looking very pleased with our holiday gift bags. Love those prezzies...

Fortunately I took time out to attend The Rebels of Romance holiday party at The Dove Parlour in the West Village. In addition to the co-hostesses, Liz Maverick and Marianne Mancusi, all the usual suspects turned out including Dorchester author Leanna Hieber, her editor, Chris Keesler, and Scandalous Women blogger extraordinaire, Elizabeth Kerri Mahon (AKA “EKM”). The Dove, which has appeared previously in this blog, is one of my favorite Manhattan venues–Victorian brothel meets Manhattan “secret” bar with cocktails like the Cherry Tart and, for the season, mulled wine. Then again, the holidays aren’t about a great venue or fab fashion wear though yeppers, everybody was certainly stylin’. Holidays are about spending time with the people (and pets!) we care about who care about us and remembering to be thankful for them as well as all the other blessings in our lives.

Per the pets, please don’t forget my Holiday Goodness Challenge. We’ve had several takers so far, but I still have copies of Vanquished to give out. Beyond that, homeless dogs and cats need our help this holiday season more than ever.

Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanza, or the Solstice…

Happy, happy & Merry, merry…
