News & Events

Lady Jane’s Third Birthday Bash, Oh What a Night!

Lady Jane's Salon Co-founders, Leanna Renee Hieber & Hope. Not pictured, co-founders Ron Hogan & Maya Rodale.

M/our Lady Jane’s Salon, NYC’s first and only monthly romance reading series, turned the Big 0-3 last night, and we pulled out all the stops and then some to celebrate Her Ladyship’s special night.

Guest authors were S.b. Sarah Wendell, Lauren Willig, and Eloisa James!

As in previous years, we made our annual End of Year donation to Women-in-Need.

Chambord Vodka champagne cocktails were the perfect way to toast three very sweet years--and counting!

We also took the opportunity to congratulate our three satellite salons in Denver, Raleigh-Durham and, most recently, Naperville (Chicago area). The latter launches tonight, February 7th. Congratulations ladies–and gentlemen!

Chambord Vodka sponsored the event with fun promo giveaways–iPhone caddies, mints, and hats–and complimentary cocktails served for our birthday toast.

Thanks to our guest authors and attendees, to my Salon Co-founders Leanna Renee, Maya and Ron for making Lady Jane’s an event to which I never fail to look forward, to Chambord Vodka for being a great birthday sponsor, and lastly (but in no way least-ly) to Amy, Karen, Alex and the great staff at our beloved host venue in Soho, Madame X for three great years–and counting.

Guests & Co-Founders take a bow. From left to right, Sarah Wendell, Eloisa James, Lauren Willig, Alyssa Montoya of W-I-N (foreground), Ron Hogan, Leanna Renee Hieber & Me!

Year #4, here we come!







A hasty, ill-advised marriage to a fiendish rake, a doomed devotion between a handsome young priest and the lovely, desperate girl he’s befriended…

No, not Collen McCullough’s THE THORN BIRDS but A LONG FATAL LOVE CHASE by Louisa May Alcott.

Written in 1866 a few years before Alcott’s revered classic, LITTLE WOMEN, A LONG FATAL LOVE CHASE was never published in Alcott’s lifetime. Deemed “too sensational” (translation: too risque) by her male publisher, the book was shelved among her private papers for more than a century and only rediscovered and published in the 1990’s.

As a middle school student, I adored LITTLE WOMEN and well, A LONG FATAL LOVE CHASE is not it. Written for serialization to keep the author’s perennially impoverished family of Transcendentalist intellectuals out of the poorhouse, the book is more penny dreadful than great novel. Still, the themes Alcott addresses–stalking, spousal abuse, bigamy, and a woman’s right to independence and freedom–resonate with a raw contemporary clarity.

As the title suggests, A LONG FATAL LOVE CHASE doesn’t end happily. Despite the every other chapter cliffhanger (it was meant to be serialized), the only true suspense is for whom the chase will prove fatal. The hastily pulled together ending answers that with no real surprises, leaving the reader not so much satisfied as relieved. Like Alcott’s heroine, Rosamund, we too are weary and ready for the chase to end.

Still, A LONG FATAL CHASE is worth a read for Alcott fans as well as fans of 19th century “women’s” literature, a literary tradition that still fascinates and inspires us today. For a wonderful paranormal YA Victorian Gothic romance in the tradition of Oscar Wilde’s THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY (only with a happy ending!), read DARKER STILL by my Lady Jane’s Salon co-founder, Leanna Renee Hieber.

And for a fun and informative treatise on romance novels throughout the centuries, check out my other Lady Jane’s Salon co-founder, Maya Rodale’s, new nonfiction e-book, DANGEROUS BOOKS FOR GIRLS.

Speaking of Lady Jane’s, do join us on Monday, February 6th, 7-10PM at Madame X, for Lady Jane’s Third Anniversary Salon. It’s our third year birthday bash and we’re celebrating with our usual lineup of fabo readers including S.b. Sarah Wendell, Lauren Willig, and Eloisa James! Special EOY contribution to our charitable recipient, Women-in-Need. Sponsors: Chambord Vodka (“Pink Your Drink”) and

Happy Month of Hearts & Flowers,



Blast from the Past Video

OK, so I was dutifully reading Google’s new Privacy Policy Alert, an action clearly undertaken to avoid line edits on my Work in Progress, when I unearthed this blast from the past 2007 video interview on my then new book, STROKES OF MIDNIGHT.

The video, made by Pacific TV for the Romance Writers of America NYC Chapter, was shot back in 2007. Like the romance novelist heroine of STROKES OF MIDNIGHT, Becky Stone AKA Rebecca St. Claire, I too was coming to New York City with Big Dreams.

And like my fictional Becky, five years later, I’m happy to report that most of those Big Dreams have come true. So have some new ones.

As for those bangs, let’s just say I’m glad it’s 2012 in all kinds of ways. 🙂

STROKES OF MIDNIGHT is available as an e-book for Kindle and Nook users.

Happy New Year, Happy New Beginnings

TEMPTING, releasing as an audio and ebook Feb/March 2012.

I’d like to start by sharing one of my favorite quotes by another romance writer you may have heard of, Mary Ann Evans.

“You’re never too old to be who you might have been.” –George Elliot.

You tell ’em, Mary Ann.

2011 was, in many ways the year in which seeds were sewn for me. Among those, I revived a former second writing career as a travel and freelance features writer. Despite getting a late start, I had ten articles published with EuropeUpClose, WETA’s inReads (interview with Nora Roberts) and RT BOOKReviews Magazine (interview with Julia Quinn), to hit the highlights.

Now 2012 is off to a rock n’ roll start. Check out my Step-by-Step Guide to Visiting Peru’s Machu Picchu published just this month by uber savvy travel site, BootsnAll.

On the romance front, my co-founded monthly romance fiction reading salon, Lady Jane’s, will celebrate its third anniversary (and counting) on  Monday, February 6th at our beloved Madame X. Deets forthcoming but for now, know that with Eloisa James and Sarah Wendell (guest emcee) joining us its going to be quite the par-tay!

My award-winning Victorian-set romance novel, TEMPTING, will enjoy a second life early this year as both an audio and digital release. Please check back for specifics including the links.

Lastly, I have a new Facebook Author page, which will soon replace my profile page, fast approaching FB’s 5,000 friends’ limit. If you haven’t already, please take two ticks to “Like” me. 🙂

The winter holiday season may be ended but there’s no reason the “gifts” can’t keep coming. In that spirit, I wish you…

A 2012 filled with fairy tale dreams come true,






It’s Beginning to Feel A Lot Like Christmas…

Can the winter holidays be upon us already!?!

To help get in the holiday swing, please take two ticks and check out these contemporary and historical Christmas romance releases. Print copies may or may not be available but all are available as digital releases on Kindle and Nook. 🙂

And if you’re in the NYC area, please consider putting Lady Jane’s Salon on your to-visit list. Our winter holidays salon is Monday, December 5th, 7-9 PM where I’ll be guest reading along with my Salon Co-Founder, Leanna Renee Hieber and special guest, Patt Mihailoff. Check out the deets here.




Highlights from Peru

Some trips are just that, pleasant getaways. Others are “journeys.” My recent twelve days in Peru definitely ranks among the latter.

Rather than see Peru through the window of a tour bus, I opted for a more active approach. After two days spent exploring the city of Cusco on my own, I joined up with a walking/hiking tour group operated by Country Walkers.

As I did with my April-May trip to Italy, I will be detailing my Peruvian adventures in a series of travel articles. I am also prominently detailing my Peruvian journey in my current nonfiction book. Details forthcoming…

For now, the piece de resistance of the hiking portion of the trip was a two-day visit to the famous Inca City of Machu Picchu.

Built in the 1450’s, the Golden Age of the Inca Empire, Machu Picchu is especially popular as a tourist destination this year, 2011, which marks the 100th anniversary of its (re)discovery by explorer, Hiram Bingham.

I say rediscovery because Machu Picchu was never the “lost city” that Bingham made it out to be. Nor was it attacked by the invading Spanish as were most other Inca cities. The site, while badly overgrown, remained intact and well known to the local Andean people throughout the centuries. Two Andean families occupied a portion of the ruins when Bingham first made his appearance in 1911. The young son of one family served as one of his guides.

Summit of Machu Picchu Mountain--how sweet it was!

To preserve the main Inca trail leading into the site, the Peruvian government strictly limits the number of park passes issued per day. Because I booked late, the allotted number of Inca Trail permits had already been distributed to my group. Instead, I hiked Machu Picchu Mountain alone with a local guide, then rejoined my group later that afternoon at The Gate of the Sun.

The 2,000 foot climb up Machu Picchu Mountain took me to 10,300 feet. Fortunately I’d been hiking for almost a week and was well acclimated to the altitude. The topography of the trail presented the real challenge. A more or less 90 degree straight shot up, it also involved navigating jagged granite “steps.” As I wound my way up to the summit, the path narrowed to a shelf of just about sixteen to eighteen inches wide. Sheer drops greeted me on one, sometimes both sides. For nearly forty-five minutes, my reality reduced to one carefully placed footstep after another.

It was a crash course for living in the moment.

Despite a lifelong fear of heights, I made it to the top–and that coveted flagpole–in two hours, not too shabby for a city girl.

Then of course, there was the coming down. 🙂

The next day I enjoyed exploring the main park site with my group. We began with an early morning (AKA crack o’ dawn) gathering inside the park. Several of us took turns reading from a book of poems on Machu Picchu by Peruvian poet, Pablo Neruda . It was a deeply moving, deeply spiritual set of moments.

Now I’m back in the Big Apple. Amidst the happy chaos of catching up, I’m taking time to hold onto all the wonderful lessons my journey to Peru and back has taught me. Until next time…







November Lady Jane’s Salon & Peru

Q: What do Lady Jane’s Salon and Peru have in common?

A: Absolutely nothing…barring that this month I must give up one to gain the other.

Yeppers, I am headed for Peru–the land of Machu Picchu, the Inca Trail and such–which means I will miss our monthly Lady Jane’s Salon on Monday, November 7th.

Still, while I’m rambling amongst the ruins, there’s no need for you to miss. Check out the deets on the Lady Jane’s blog and prepare to party with three great guest authors: Addison Fox, Jeanine McAdam and Isabo Kelly.

Happy Trails,


PS Whilst I’m away, please check out my latest interview on Digital Book Today.




Vanquished & The Men of Roxbury House

The VANQUISHED e-book giveaway ended as of midnight, and whew what a thrilling ride these two weeks have been!

While we’re still waiting on the final numbers, so far across e-reader platforms–B&N, Apple, Amazon, and Sony–VANQUISHED landed in the hands of nearly 40,000 new readers. Nearly 40,000 new readers, some new to the book and the Men of Roxbury House Victorian-set series it launched, others new to me as a writer overall.

I couldn’t be more pleased.

For those of you  who downloaded VANQUISHED or who read it prior to the giveaway, in print or digital format, thank you and I hope you enjoyed. If so, more Victorian goodness awaits via the other two books in the trilogy: ENSLAVED and UNTAMED.

In both books, Callie and Hadrian reappear as secondary characters helping their two Roxbury House friends to their own steamy Happily Ever Afters.

When it comes to Happily Ever After, more is…well, more.

Happy Reading!







Vanquished Free E-Book Offer. Yes, F-R-E-E.

There may or may not be “no such thing as a free lunch,” but I’m happy to report that a free book is still occasionally possible.

From Monday, September 12th through Monday, September 26th, VANQUISHED (the launch to my “Men of Roxbury House” trilogy) is available as a free e-book. Across all platforms!

Whether you’re an Amazon Kindle user or a fan of the Barnes & Noble Nook or other e-reader platform, you have two solid weeks to download VANQUISHED. For free.

Obviously my hope is that VANQUISHED will act as a gateway drug to downloading the other two trilogy books, ENSLAVED and UNTAMED but certainly there’s no obligation to do so.

Resist if you must. 😉

Thanks to my wonderful publisher, Medallion Press, for making this offer possible and thereby putting my beloved book in new readers’ hands.

Happy e-Reading,




Living History or My New Old Venture

Chilling out on the veranda of the Hotel Villa Cipriani in Asolo. May 2011. Treviso, Italy.

One upon a faraway time, the 1990’s, there was a freelance writer named Hope Tarr. While Hope enjoyed writing articles, her Big Dream was to write books.

In 1999, Hope sold A Rogue’s Pleasure, a sexy Regency-set romp and her first book. From then on, she got busy writing books. Really busy.

The rest, as they say, is history.

Fortunately for all of us, living history can shift and change, twist and turn. On a dime.

While I’m happy to report that I’m still really busy writing books, I’ve also found time to return to a former love: travel writing.

And we’re having us quite a honeymoon. 😉

Please check out my two (and counting) articles on Italy for the fabulous travel site and blog, Europe Up Close. My Eat Pray Love…Florence series will be followed shortly with Eating in Venice and another trio of articles on Day Tripping in The Veneto.

Grazie Mille!
