News & Events

In Memoriam: Cara Summers

cara_summersThe romance community lost a prolific author, generous colleague, and shining star when Cara Summers (Carolyn Hanlon) passed away earlier this month on September 10th. Please take two ticks to join us in honoring Cara’s amazing career–and life–on the Blaze Authors Blog.


Last Night’s GAAs & Author of the Year!

Hope Accepting Award_9-12-13Last night was the Golden Apple Awards, the annual industry awards event sponsored by the New York City chapter of The Romance Writers of America. I was–and am–thrilled and honored to have been chosen by the membership as its 2013 Author of the Year. Below are the notes for my acceptance speech, which I managed to complete dry-eyed albeit verklempt.

A career of twenty years, thirteen as a published author, means there are many people to be thanked, so I may not be exactly brief  but I will be as succinct as these two pages permit.

First and foremost, I would like to thank my trio of fabulous agents:

To Louise Fury with whom I’ve been blessed to work since 2010. As some of you know, I first met Louise when she started coming to Lady Jane’s Salon® in our early days and at the time I had no idea she was even agenting. It took me a while but I finally cottoned on. Elizabeth Mahon and I took her out for “a” drink to celebrate a significant deal she’d made, one drink turned into many drinks, and then next thing I knew she was asking me about my books. I’ll never forget her saying, “I don’t know if I can sell it—but I’ll try.” By 1:00 AM I was back home emailing her the files.

Louise has done considerably better than “try.” She has since sold THREE series for me, including my hard cover debut, SUGAR, co-written with Jenna Jameson, which releases from Skyhorse Publishing this October 21st. And that’s not even counting the foreign and audio deals she’s made—all while fielding my many, MANY daily emails, on which I usually forget to change the subject header. Honestly, Louise, I can’t imagine being in this business without you.

To Lori Perkins who wears many hats—make that tiaras—not only as the founder and owner of the enduringly successful L. Perkins Agency but also as a writer and publisher. As you know, Lori launched Riverdale Avenue Books last December and she hasn’t stilled since. I don’t use the word “maverick” often or lightly but Lori is truly that. Lori doesn’t follow publishing trends, she forecasts them. She has brought so many publishing opportunities my way these past years, including but in no way limited to a place in her 50 Writers on 50 Shades of Grey anthology and for those and her friendship, I thank her.

To Jenny Bent, our Agent of the Year, who launched my career back in ’99 by selling my Regency-set historical to Berkley. A Rogue’s Pleasure was a first romance sale for both of us—and as they say you never forget you first. I was with Jenny through three agencies, and was so proud of her when she went out on her own and founded The Bent Agency, which has added a London office to its home base of Brooklyn.   

To the talented editors with whom I’ve had the pleasure of working over the past 13 years and counting: Cindy Hwang at Berkley, Brenda Chin at Harlequin, Helen Rosburg at Medallion Media Group, Angela James at Carina Press, Stacy Cantor Abrams at Entangled, and now Jenn McCartney at Skyhorse Publishing. I’ve done 25 books and each has been made inestimably better for your talented input.

Hope_Acceptance Speech_9-12-13To the uber talented former O Magazine senior editor, memoirist and now romance author, Suzan Colon for being my friend, supporter, and creative sounding board. Our lunches are not only a treat to which I look forward but a grounding point for me personally and professionally. I am so looking forward to you reading BEACH GLASS at the February Lady Jane’s Salon.

To RWA NYC for your enduring support, friendship, and encouragement. When I moved to New York in the winter of 2008, I knew ABSOLUTELY NO ONE. Attending that first Saturday chapter meeting was akin to grabbing hold of a lifeline. I met both my Lady Jane’s co-founder, Leanna Renee Hieber and past president, Elizabeth Mahon at a chapter outing to Coney Island. Others of you I’ve gotten to know through additional chapter events such as the winter holiday and spring brunches, the online loop, and of course your glorious and enduring support of Lady Jane’s Salon. To Maria Ferrer and Lise Horton and Sarah Tormey and Kwana Jackson…well, I don’t have time or breath to name each one of you but please know that your support, of me, my books, and m/our Lady Jane’s Salon these past five years means more than I can say.
GAA Trophy & Plaque
Last but in no way least, to my wonderful and always supportive partner, Raj Moorjani, who daily affirms that Happily Ever After isn’t only the stuff of romance novels—we can have it in Real Life, too.

This is an enormous honor. Thank you!

SUGAR, New & Final Cover Revealed


SUGAR_cvr_strawberrySo I’m having a second cover reveal for SUGAR–sounds a tad piggy, I know. 😉 As much as I loved the former cover featuring hot lips, honestly I ADORE the redo even more!

SUGAR, my hard cover debut with Jenna Jameson and the launch to our FATE Series, releases October 21st from Skyhorse Publishing.  You can pre-order your copy from Amazon as well as brick-and-mortar bookstores and other e-tailers. And please stay posted for deets on the other trilogy titles, HONEY and SPICE.



Blast from the Past Part I: Ride ‘Em!

Hope_bull_4Deadlines kept me planted in my writer’s chair during this year’s Romance Writers of America national conference held in Atlanta. Joining in the fun vicariously via Facebook and Twitter–the Literacy Book Fair, the hotel meetups (translation: lobby bar), and of course the Awards Gala–sparked my memory to fond recollections of previous conferences.

At the 2007 RWA held in Dallas, I was invited to be filmed with Kathryn Caskie and a few others as part of fellow author Sophia Nash’s “Girls Gone Wild” segment for Romance Novel TV. Our ladies’ night began with a limo ride from the hotel to Cowboy Red River Saloon. There, before rolling cameras, we received a quick-and dirty lesson in the Texas two-step courtesy of two Stetson wearing local swains, downed jalapeno margaritas, and braved the mechanical bull ride. (Note: imbibing the margarita before the bull ride was absolutely essential. Also note: save margarita #2 for celebrating your successful or not so successful descent). Think Debra Winger in “Urban Cowboy” only–hint–you can adjust the speed. Not only did I keep my seat for the full time, but I had so much fun that I just may take a repeat ride. Maybe. Possibly. We’ll see…

For now, check out these fun photos and Tips for How to Ride a Mechanical Bull. Most double as excellent advice for staying the course in life, too. I particularly like: Remember to Wear Pants.

Wise words…

And please check back here on my blog for additional Blast from the Past posts as well as giveaways, book updates and my all ’round good news–the only kind I post.



Just Because It’s Summer Giveaway

breath_3508.2.13: Congratulations to my two winners: Trudy Miner and Jess Mueller. Many thanks to all who entered. Contest is now closed. Please check back here for other giveaway goodness as well as my breaking good news. –Hope

As I sit here procrastinating on finishing edits for the final book in my Suddenly Cinderella Series, it strikes me that mid-summer can feel a little sleepy, even a little…dull.

To spice things up, I’m giving away *two* paperback copies (one copy per winner) of my back list Harlequin Blaze title, EVERY BREATH YOU TAKE. Set in steamy Belize, it’s a perfect addition to your beach read pile. You can read a description and excerpt here.

To be entered to win, do any one of the following:

1. Like my author Facebook page

2. Like my Suddenly Cinderella Series Facebook page

3. Follow me on Twitter @HopeTarr

4. Provide the order confirmation for purchase of any one of my books, e-book or print, that you’ve bought within the last six months.

NOTE: To be entered, you must POST your proof of the above HERE, my website blog.

Two winners will be selected via random number generator. Giveaway ends 12 midnight ET on August 1st.

Happy Summer!



Operation_Cinderella_cvr_RV_July 2013To celebrate July as unofficial Beach Reads month, my fabulous publisher, Entangled (now distributed by Macmillan) is offering both OPERATION CINDERELLA and THE CINDERELLA MAKEOVER for just 99 cents each!

Both novel-length Suddenly Cinderella series titles have been given face lifts — gorgeous new covers that accentuate the red shoes that “travel” across books. So…fitting!

The  99 cent offer is time-limited, so if you haven’t yet read OPERATION CINDERELLA and THE CINDERELLA MAKEOVER, this is your chance to do so for cheap!

Happy (Beach) Reading,


CM_New Cover_July_2013

Reading from SUGAR at the July 1st Lady Jane’s Salon

SUGAR_Final_CvrIf the Slipper Fitssoul-strippersmallAs many of you know, I co-founded and curate Lady Jane’s Salon, New York City’s first–and still only–monthly romance reading series now in our fifth year with six Salon satellites nationwide!

But  enough of bragging on m/our “baby.”

The July Salon promises to be special indeed. I am not only co-hosting along with partners, Leanna Renee Hieber and Ron Hogan, but I am also  guesting. I will share a snippet from SUGAR (Skyhorse, October 2013), my hard cover debut co-written with NYT bestseller Jenna Jameson. You can read a bit about the book in my previous post here. Former internationally famous adult entertainment actress, “Sugar” AKA Sarah Halliday leaves LA behind and returns to her native New York City to reinvent herself, creating a splash of sizzle and pop with the help of fun ex-AE friends and a certain sexy war hero turned CEO keen to explore his kinkier side.

Adding a paranormal twist to our unofficial theme of “bad” girls with hearts of gold, Kensington author Katana Collins will read from her sizzling debut, SOUL STRIPPER. Exotic dancer, Monica, doesn’t just break hearts–she sucks souls–but can this sexy succubus resist the lure of true love?

Megan Mulry will carry us to modern day England with her second novel, IF THE SHOE FITS. “Glass slippers were meant to broken”–huzzah and here here!

Join us on Monday, July 1st, 7-9 PM at Madame X. Admission is $5 or one gently used romance novel. Net monetary proceeds support an end-of-year donation to Women In Need.

Cash bar.

Author books will be available for purchase and autographing onsite courtesy of Posman Books.







More Cover Reveal Goodness: Enslaved Published in France!

Well, folks, this has been QUITE the Fabulous Friday (#FF) for me as well as an altogether unforgettable #BEA13.

Mere minutes ago, I found out that ENSLAVED, Book #2 of my beloved Men of Roxbury House Victorian-set trilogy, is officially out in France as ESCLAVE DE SES CHARMES.

Once again, my wonderful French publisher, J’ai Lu (a division of Flammarion) has outdone itself with a cover that is beyond beautiful–exquisite! But don’t take my word for it, see below. 🙂

Lastly, the original English version of ENSLAVED is still available in print and e-book. Check out the book excerpt and ordering info here.






Book Trailer! VANQUISHED & The Men of Roxbury House Go to Spain!

As some of you may remember, VANQUISHED (Book #1 in my Men of Roxbury House trilogy) is being published in Spain. Translated into Spanish and given a gorgeous new cover, the book is now on sale. Check out the super short–two minutes!–book trailer by my fabulous Spanish publisher, Libros de Seda.

VANQUISHED and my other Men of Roxbury House Victorian-set romances, originally published with Medallion Media Group, are also available in French and Italian. As they say, it’s a small world. I am beyond thrilled to be able to share these beloved books with romance readers around the globe.