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The Nekkid Truth, Part II: Gilding the Lily

Some people put on makeup like they brush their teeth or put on clothes, which is to say every day. Some people never go near the stuff. Me, I fall somewhere in between. I wouldn’t go out for the evening without mascara, lip gloss and a smattering of powder, but I would and do frequently roll out of bed and head out for coffee with bed head and pillow creases.

Photo by
Girl in the mirror--and yes, those taped up reminder notes are mine a la "Romancing the Stone." Photo by

But having publicity photos taken isn’t just an excuse to play princess for a day. It’s also an investment. You want to be able to use those photos for some time, perhaps years to come on your web site, press materials, social networking profiles and yes, your book jacket. If there was ever a time to put your best face forward, to strut your stuff, and to well, Work It, that time is now.

While I’m hopeless with my hair, fortunately I’m a decent hand with the war paint, as our mothers, mine at least, called cosmetics Back in The Day.

Unlike me, Jane doesn't really need cosmetic improvement.

Like almost everything, when it comes to makeup, moderation is key, less is more. We still want to look like ourselves…albeit a really, really hawt version.

Next and final stop on the Princess Train: the photo retouch. Thankfully, along with the actual shooting, photo editing is your photographer’s job. A good thing, too.

All this prepping, preening and posing has worn me to a nub.

Voila! Off to "wardrobe" I go...Photo by
Voila! Off to "wardrobe" I go...Photo by


Nekkid Truth, Part I: Princess for a Day

The photos from Friday’s shoot with uber wonderful photographer, Biz Urban are in and FYI, the woman is equal parts saint and wizard. In the course of five plus hours, she put up with my blinking problem, perennially crooked smile, and the wilting heat and still managed to get some good shots. 

Ground Zero AKA my local Aveda Salon.
Ground Zero AKA my local Aveda Salon.

Some really good shots.

We’ll be posting said gems…anon, namely after I get my current book proposal in. Alas, this writing gig is really messing with my modeling career!

Getting in touch with my Inner Princess is fun!

For now and as promised, I’m getting my Jamie Lee Curtis on and showing you the unexpurgated me–as in wet hair, no makeup, and scariest of all, no photo retouching!

Next stop: makeup!


Not a throne but close enough...
Forehead much? I am so dialing this down when I get home!

PS All behind-the-scenes photos courtesy of Biz Urban–did I mention, she’s a saint!

Nekkid Truth

Yes, it’s that time. Time to retire my lovely but alas somewhat dated (2006)publicity photos and forge that new photographic frontier: photos that actually look like me. Currently.

To that end, today, all day, I’ll be primping, prepping, and yes preening for new photos by Manhattan photographer, the lovely and talented Biz Urban.

And bonus, we’re going to shoot before as well as after photos with mayhap even some behind-the-scenes tossed in. If we’re lucky, the cats may get into the picture (so to speak), too.

Check back here for the Nekkid Truth: me as God made me with (gulp) four or so decades added on.

Should be most…revealing. 😉



Congratulations Contest Winner

Congrats to Elaine Carlini-Davis, my latest Sizzlin’ Summer Contest winner. Elaine, the prize, a signed copy of my Scottish Medieval Blaze, Bound to Please will be on its way to you as soon as you email your contact information to me at [email protected].

Currently underway: yet another chance to win a copy of Bound to Please. This time, reply to any of my blog posts between now and the end of August and be automatically entered to in. Random thoughts welcomed if not encouraged.

But, as they say, there’s more…

I just received my cover for Twelve Nights, the sequel to Bound to Please. Isn’t it pretty!?! Twelve Nights releases this December 2009 in time for Christmas. Sneak peaks, excerpts, behind-the-scenes snippets and related goodness will be posted “anon,” so please don’t be a stranger.


In Memoriam: Blake Snyder

Screenwriter Blake Snyder passed away suddenly on Tuesday, August 4th, and I’m struggling to put into words how it is I feel so sad, so personally touched by the loss of someone I knew so little.

Blake Snyder, Photo courtesy of
Blake Snyder. Photo courtesy of

But Blake was, is, that sort of being, a Light Bulb Being. Along with being super talented and successful, charismatic and funny, engaging and dare I say, wise, he had such a…light about him.

I met him at last year’s Romance Writers of America Conference in San Francisco. His mini workshop on adapting one’s romance novel into a screenplay unexpectedly and totally wowed me–and after sixteen years in this business, believe me, I am not easily wowed.

We corresponded occasionally by email. I was always amazed that someone who was such a…Name responded so promptly and so graciously. I think people, all people, just genuinely interested him.

I bought his book, Save the Cat! The Last Book on Screenwriting You’ll Ever Need and was signed up for his two-day screenwriting workshop, which would have taken place next week here in New York City. When the email came through informing workshop registrants of his death, I was stunned. I still am.

What I also am is mindful, wholly mindful, of just how uncertain and yes, infinitely precious our lives are. The good, the bad, the ugly, and the so-so, it’s doesn’t matter, every moment counts. It’s life, our life, and I’m pledging to savor every single second of mine from here on.

Bon Voyage, Blake.


Salon Recap: Another Fabo Lady Jane’s…

August is typically a Dead Zone month here in Big Apple Landia, but you’d never know it from the turn-out at last night’s Lady Jane’s Salon. Yes, we had another packed house and great, diverse readers as per always.

Author Johnny Diaz. Photo courtesy of

Boston Globe features writer and author, Johnny Diaz came down from Beantown to read from his latest contemporary release, Boston Boys Club, which he dubbed as a gay version of Sex and the City–think romantic, poignant, and yes, delicious!

Local author Anna DePalo read from her Silhouette Desire, The Billionaire in Penthouse B, showing us that “housework” can be fun but “mistresshood” far “funner”!

Last but never least, the lovely Delilah Marvelle fogged up the windows by reading from her wickedly humorous Lord of Pleasure in a (very authentic sounding) British accent, no less. And FYI, can that lady ever rock white satin and feathers!


Delilah Marvelle was a marvel in white.

Distinguished attendees included faces both familiar and new including powerhouse literary agent, Donald Maass; Scandalous Women blogger, Elizabeth Kerri Mahon; bookseller and reviewer, Stacey Agdern; blogger, Kwana Jackson; RWA/NYC prez, Karen Cino; and Rob DiCaterino, Web Manager for RT BOOK Reviews.

Up next month at Lady Jane’s: Salon co-founder, Leanna Renee Hieber debuts The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker–wearing full Victorian regalia, no less. Don’t miss it!


Me lifting my glass at the August Lady Jane's.

PS: You Alert Readers out there may have noticed that our photos for this month’s Salon come courtesy of the uber talented, Biz Urban. In the next month or so, look for updated publicity photos of yes, me, all taken by Biz. And bonus: I’m going to get my courage up and my Jamie Lee Curtis on and pose for before and after shots…emphasis on the before as in before the makeup goes on. Yes, you’ll be treated to a behind the scenes gander at me and just me, as God made me–well, plus a few decades added on. Should be most…revealing.

August Lady Jane’s Salon etc.

Tonight’s Lady Jane’s features authors Johnny Diaz, Delilah Marvelle and Anna DePalo. Same time (7-9 PM), same place (Madame X) and bonus: admission is free for this month only! Go to Lady Jane’s Salon and read all about it.

Last but not least, a big thank you to everyone who tuned in to my Saturday interview for Medallion Press on BlogTalk Radio. Heather Graham and Vicki Hinze are two talented and tres savvy ladies. In reference to romance readers being teased for their reading choices, Heather said, “Love is probably one of our finest emotions.” Indeed! Click on over and listen to the recorded program online…


Hope “Live” at BlogTalk Radio with Heather Graham

Join me live this Saturday, August 1st, 8-10 PM EST with Medallion Press on BlogTalk Radio. Note: I go on at 8:45 PM. Fellow guests: Heather Graham and Vicki Hinze and the illustrative team of Fortin & Sanders.

We’ll be dishing on the publishing industry and our latest books. Bonus: there’ll be prezzies! Call in at 347-327-9389 and win my “Men of Roxbury House” books: Vanquished, Enslaved and Untamed.


Bringing Back Sexy…A Romance Novel for Obama

My fellow Harlequin author, Geri Krotow’s World War II set category romance novel, A Rendezvous to Remember, may be sitting on the presidential night stand “as we speak.”

The recipient of said signed book is Michelle, not Barack, though he definitely gave it a thumbing through. “This looks sexy,” he said.

The President thumbing through yes, a romance novel.
The President thumbing through yes, a romance novel. Photo:Kristi Stephens

Not only is the First Lady making The White House a waddle-free zone for the first time in fah-ev-ah–or at least since Jackie Kennedy’s day–but apparently she’s making the Free World safe for yes, popular fiction.

For the juicy rest of the story, including more photos, read Wax Creative founder, Emily Cotler’s report for The Huff Po.


Congratulations Contest Winner

My Sizzling Summer Contest Part II closed out on Saturday, and wow, what a fun time we had recalling all those great summertime favorite things to do, past and present.

My randomly picked winner is Beverly G. Beverly, hon, shoot me an email at with your snail mail addy, and I’ll get your signed copy of Bound to Please out ASAP.

New contest starts as of now through July 31st. To enter, simply post a reply to the following new contest question:

What is your most embarrassing (or triumphant) summertime moment?

Maybe you untied your bikini top to get than line-less tan and some bad boys dropped ice cubes on your back–with an embarrassing result. Maybe you were said bad boy (or girl) in that scenario. Here at we don’t judge, but we do have us some fun and with summer slipping by way too fast, I want to hold on to the sizzle for as long as I can.

So c’mon over and yes, talk to me. 😉


PS Twelve Nights, the sequel to Bound to Please, is due out this December. Check back here for sneak peaks, cover art and miscellaneous goodness…