News & Events

Happy Valentine’s Day & Congrats Contest Winners

What better way to ring in the Day of Hearts and Flowers than by announcing good news?

((Okay, well maybe I can think of an even better way, but I do try to keep the blog-o-zine at the PG-13 level)).

Congratulations to my three latest contest winners: Jean M of Broomfield, CO; Patricia B of Jonesborough, TN; and Jessica P of Norman, OK. Like so many of you who entered, these savvy ladies knew that in Every Breath You Take…, for years Cole has been rooting for Alex to finish that novel.

Each winner will each receive an Untamed coverflat keepsake and a signed copy of Strokes of Midnight.

Didn’t win this time ’round? In love and life, there’s almost a second chance lurking around the corner. Check out my current Contest and see how you can win and yes, Share the Love with women working to build independent lives.

Happy Valentine’s Day!


Cosmetic (En)Counters

Lately I’ve been watching the Show Time series, The Tudors via Netflix. While the British history buff in me rails against certain…shall we say, liberties taken with the historical record, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, the Irish actor who plays King Henry VIII is, unlike the actual Henry, decidely delicious.

Thanks to romance author Megan Frampton who alerted me to the fact that Jonathan Rhys Meyers was scheduled to appear at the Macy’s in Herald Square one Friday around 5 PM. In addition to portraying Henry VIII, JRM is the celebrity spokesperson for HUGO ELEMENT, HUGO’s “boss” new scent for men. For the bargain price of $65, the cost of a vial of said stuff, shoppers would get to meet JRM up-close and personal.

I’d like to say I shrugged and then went back to reading War and Peace, but I went. Of course I went. When you live in Manhattan, this is the sort of thing you do. I mean really, life is short.

JRM was seated dais-style in the midst of the Macy’s cosmetics department. Those who purchased the fragrance got to climb the short steps to the stage where they received a handshake (men) or a peck on the cheek (women). Though I didn’t pony up the $65 required for glad handing, I did get a respectable gawk. From “across the crowded room,” the actor appeared gracious and personable. He is also cute as a button (we could share jeans) and as smoothly polished as a Tiffany’s diamond, assertions I could prove if only one of the dozen or so photos I shot with my Blackberry camera had turned out.

It was well, a little bit crazy. Because of those blasted black suited security guards, we ladies could only stand about but so long. If you wanted to stay, you had to buy…something.

A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. In this case, I scuttled over to the Clinique counter to pick up some product. I mean, JRM isn’t the only one who needs to monitor his pores.

“Can I help you, ma’am?”

Ma’am? Ma’am!!!

The deep voice belonged to a burly male sales associate standing at six foot four or close to it and wearing the regulation Clinique lab coat. A man! Selling Clinique cosmetics while yes, calling me ma’am! Surely there was some mistake. Really, is nothing sacred? If a man must sell cosmetics, he can at least have the decency to be metrosexual. This guy was obviously a man’s man, a manly man. He’d probably sold Ducoti motorcycles before getting laid off.

“Try this,” he commanded without bothering to ask what I might want or need.

He grabbed my hand in his big man paw, again without asking, and started slapping on the cream Clinique was promo-ing.

“Here you go. All shined up. See.” Beaming at me, he returned my hand like it was chrome, and I’d just gotten the deluxe special at the drive-through car wash.

This is not, my friends, how women approach the purchase of cosmetics.

Ducking my head, I explained thanks but no thanks, I just needed some…some…some…lip primer.

Lip primer! To have to explain to a solidly hetero man, a man who under other circumstances might be considered datable that lately my lipstick has begun flaking, and I’m worried about “the appearance of fine lines” is wrong on so many levels.

I bought the lip primer, which this dude assured me he uses himself just before he applies his Chapstick–yeah right. Pity I didn’t stick around to get his opinions on exfoliating and waxing, but I had celebrity stalking still to do.

And when it came to the hand cream, I dug in my heels and held my own. Screw the up-selling. No dice, dude. 

Had Jonathan Rhys Meyers been behind that counter, I would have bought the hand cream–and some HUGO, too.


What a Lady, What a Night!

“What a lady, what a night…”

So the classic rock song goes and likewise so went last night’s launch of Lady Jane’s Salon, Manhattan’s first (and so far only) reading series devoted to romance fiction. The series, founded by Ron Hogan, Maya Rodale, Leanna Renee Hieber, and Moi benefits Share the Love, which reaches out to groups assisting women-in-transition build independent lives.

Hope chats with a guest during the meet-and-greet.
Hope chats with a guest during the meet-and-greet.

Forty or so attendees packed the elegant Victorian-inspired salon setting of Madame X in Tribeca. Distinguished guests included Carol Stacy, Publisher and Liz French, Managing Editor of Romantic Times BOOKReviews; Maria Lokken and Marisa O’Neill of Romance Novel TV; and Barbara Vey of PW’s uber popular blog, Beyond Her Book. Also on hand to clink glasses was Scandalous Women blogger, Elizabeth Kerri Mahon.

Foreground L-R: Bookseller and reviewer, Stacey Agdern and Barbara Vey, PW's Beyond Her Book.
Foreground L-R: Bookseller and reviewer, Stacey Agdern and Barbara Vey, PW

After a cocktail meet-and-greet, Ron took the stage as emcee to introduce Share the Love and Lady Jane co-founder, Maya Rodale. Maya spoke briefly and eloquently about her one-year-old organization’s mission to distribute gently-used romance novels to groups assisting women-in-transition, such as Women in Need (WIN), a domestic violence shelter located in Manhattan.

Guest author Andrea Pickens chats with the crowd.
Guest author Andrea Pickens chats with the crowd.

Award-winning author, Andrea Pickens got the party started by reading from The Scarlet Spy, the latest in her Regency-set historical series about a plucky group of young women trained as espionage agents. After a short break, during which Andrea and I signed our books, I read from Every Breath You Take…,my latest Harlequin contemporary release.

Books galores. The proceeds from all sales benefited Share The Love.
Books galores. The proceeds from all sales benefited Share The Love.

Last but not least, we made money for the cause as well as collected a cache of fabulous romance novels to be distributed to women working to achieve their own Happily Ever After beginnings. If that’s not sharing the love, I don’t know what is.

Next month’s Lady Jane’s Salon will take place on Monday, March 2nd, 7-9 PM at Madame X with romance authors Lauren Willig and Jenna Petersen as our guest readers. If you’re in Manhattan or passing through, I hope you’ll consider putting Lady Jane’s on your calendar.


Live from New York, It’s Lady Jane’s!

Our Lady Jane’s Salon, Manhattan’s first (and so far only) reading series devoted to romance fiction goes lives tonight. Featured authors are Andrea Pickens and yes, this Hope Tarr chick. In the spirit of ramping up for Valentine’s Day, we’ll be reading from our latest steamy romance releases and engaging in witty repartee during the Q&A.

I’m happy to report the buzz is well, buzzing. So far we’ve made TIME OUT NEW YORK,, and Romance Novel TV will be on hand to cover the event as will Publishers’ Weekly’s own beloved romance Blog Mistress, Barbara Vey.

If you’re in the Big Apple Tonight and looking for a recession-buster outing to brighten the Monday Blues, join us at Madame X, 94 West Houston from 7-9 PM. $5 or one gently-used paperback romance novel gets you in, with proceeds to benefit Share The Love. Can you say “Oy vey and what a deal?”


Slightly Naughty Half Dozen

Many thanks to my author buddy and fellow Lady Jane Salon co-founder Maya Rodale for having me guest blog. Answering her Same Six Questions AKA Slightly Naughty Half Dozen was too much fun.

Here in the Big Apple we’re ramping up for the debut of Lady Jane’s Salon this Monday, February 2nd from 7-9:00 PM with guest author Andrea Pickens followed by yes, Yours Truly. What’s Lady Jane’s? Check out my Media and Events page for event details.


Coveted Superpowers and Real Life Steamy Moments

Today I’m blogging at romance writer buddy, Maya Rodale’s, answering her Same Six Questions, which I’ve renamed The Slightly Naughty Half Dozen. Come over and you’ll see why.

I’m happy to answer other questions, too, including anything on our about to launch Manhattan romance reading series, Lady Jane’s Salon.

Many thanks to all of you who stopped by yesterday’s live blog on Lady Jane’s at Romance Novel TV. Missed it? No worries, the transcript is posted, with all the yummy behind-the-scenes details on why we’re so excited to be Manhattan’s first (and so far only) reading series exclusively for romance fiction. 



Proudly Presenting…Lady Jane

Once upon a time three romance authors and one blogger went out in Manhattan after attending one of the city’s many literary reading series. Amidst the pungent aroma of cigars and single-malt scotch the conversation turned to the sad fact that there exists no reading forum for romance fiction in Manhattan, the seat of the publishing kingdom. And that struck us–oops, them–as really rather sad.

Then one of the romance writers, we’ll call her Princess Maya, got this gleam in her eye. All, well, gleamy-eyed, she looked ’round the Round Table (okay, it was a booth, but…), drew a deep breath, and announced, “Jeepers, let’s start a romance reading series of our very own!”

Okay, she didn’t actually say “jeepers.” I’m totally making that part up but the rest, for sure, is right on the money. And within that 30 seconds or so of yes, sheer brilliance, Lady Jane was born.

Co-sponsored by Share the Love and and co-founded by Maya Rodale, Ron Hogan, Leanna Renee Hieber, and yes, Moi, Lady Jane’s Salon is Manhattan’s first (and so far only) reading series devoted to romance fiction. The Salon will meet on the first Monday of every month starting February 2nd, 7-9 PM at the uber swank Madame X lounge in Tribeca.

The program format will be two author readers per evening with a short break between and a Q&A gab fest finale. Andrea Pickens and Yours Truly will be getting the party started in February; future authors TBA.

Admission is one gently-used romance novel or $5, your pick. All proceeds will benefit Share The Love, a non-profit organization that distributes gently-used romance novels to groups assisting women-in-transition. That we get to read our books and share the possibility of Happily Ever After beginnings with women working to build hopeful, independent lives is more than the best of both worlds. It’s the stuff of which real life fairytales are made.

For directions and other delicious details, please check out my Media and Events page. And for more juicy behind-the-scenes scoopage, please plan to stop by our live chat this Sunday, January 25th at Romance Novel TV.

Wishing you sweet dreams and candy-heart kisses…


Thanks for stopping by…

Many thanks to the many of you who stopped by yesterday to talk books with me at The Pink Heart Society. As always the chat was lively, and I was in total awe of the eclectic reading that takes place within the romance community. Clearly I’d better get crackin’ to catch up!

I’ll be announcing my three PHS contest winners soon, maybe even later today, so please check back. And if you haven’t already, please take two ticks and enter my regular contest here on the site. The prize is a signed copy of Strokes of Midnight and a coverflat keepsake of Untamed. Like the slogan says, “You gotta play to win.”


Blogging at The Pink Heart Society

I’m blogging today–all day–at The Pink Heart Society so please don’t be a stranger. The blog topic: What are You Reading?

I’m reading Blake Snyder’s Save the Cat! The book is a humorous and helpful how-to guide on screenwriting from yes, a real Hollywood “insider.” How about you?

Giveaways are three copies of Strokes of Midnight.

Congratulations, Contest Winners!

Christmas and Hanukkah may be over, but you’d never know it around here. Many thanks to all of you who stopped by my guest blog and contest at FreshFiction. The topic was The One Who Got Away, the book was Every Breath You Take… and the conversation was lively to say the least.

Congratulations to my three contest winners: Crystal B of Williamsburg, KY; Cindy M of San Diego, CA; and Jennifer M of Oklahoma City, OK. Your signed copies of my New Year’s themed Harlequin Blaze Strokes of Midnight are on their way to you along with cover flat keepsakes for Untamed, the finale to my “Men of Roxbury House” trilogy.

And of course I always have my regular contest running here at the site, so if you haven’t already, please take a moment to click on over and enter to win.


Ps Tomorrow, the 15th, I’ll be blogging at The Pink Heart Society, so please don’t be a stranger!