Salon Recap: Another Fabo Lady Jane’s…

August is typically a Dead Zone month here in Big Apple Landia, but you’d never know it from the turn-out at last night’s Lady Jane’s Salon. Yes, we had another packed house and great, diverse readers as per always.

Author Johnny Diaz. Photo courtesy of

Boston Globe features writer and author, Johnny Diaz came down from Beantown to read from his latest contemporary release, Boston Boys Club, which he dubbed as a gay version of Sex and the City–think romantic, poignant, and yes, delicious!

Local author Anna DePalo read from her Silhouette Desire, The Billionaire in Penthouse B, showing us that “housework” can be fun but “mistresshood” far “funner”!

Last but never least, the lovely Delilah Marvelle fogged up the windows by reading from her wickedly humorous Lord of Pleasure in a (very authentic sounding) British accent, no less. And FYI, can that lady ever rock white satin and feathers!


Delilah Marvelle was a marvel in white.

Distinguished attendees included faces both familiar and new including powerhouse literary agent, Donald Maass; Scandalous Women blogger, Elizabeth Kerri Mahon; bookseller and reviewer, Stacey Agdern; blogger, Kwana Jackson; RWA/NYC prez, Karen Cino; and Rob DiCaterino, Web Manager for RT BOOK Reviews.

Up next month at Lady Jane’s: Salon co-founder, Leanna Renee Hieber debuts The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker–wearing full Victorian regalia, no less. Don’t miss it!


Me lifting my glass at the August Lady Jane's.

PS: You Alert Readers out there may have noticed that our photos for this month’s Salon come courtesy of the uber talented, Biz Urban. In the next month or so, look for updated publicity photos of yes, me, all taken by Biz. And bonus: I’m going to get my courage up and my Jamie Lee Curtis on and pose for before and after shots…emphasis on the before as in before the makeup goes on. Yes, you’ll be treated to a behind the scenes gander at me and just me, as God made me–well, plus a few decades added on. Should be most…revealing.

August Lady Jane’s Salon etc.

Tonight’s Lady Jane’s features authors Johnny Diaz, Delilah Marvelle and Anna DePalo. Same time (7-9 PM), same place (Madame X) and bonus: admission is free for this month only! Go to Lady Jane’s Salon and read all about it.

Last but not least, a big thank you to everyone who tuned in to my Saturday interview for Medallion Press on BlogTalk Radio. Heather Graham and Vicki Hinze are two talented and tres savvy ladies. In reference to romance readers being teased for their reading choices, Heather said, “Love is probably one of our finest emotions.” Indeed! Click on over and listen to the recorded program online…


Hope “Live” at BlogTalk Radio with Heather Graham

Join me live this Saturday, August 1st, 8-10 PM EST with Medallion Press on BlogTalk Radio. Note: I go on at 8:45 PM. Fellow guests: Heather Graham and Vicki Hinze and the illustrative team of Fortin & Sanders.

We’ll be dishing on the publishing industry and our latest books. Bonus: there’ll be prezzies! Call in at 347-327-9389 and win my “Men of Roxbury House” books: Vanquished, Enslaved and Untamed.


Cover Model…Colbert?

Last night I was an audience member of The Colbert Report with buddy Maya Rodale. Both longtime fans of the show, we were thrilled to be seated in the VIP audience seats (row #2!!!) where we would be up close and (hopefully) personal with our hero.

Hope with Maya before the taping.
Far right, Hope with Maya before the taping.

We were, we did, and I’m happy to rapport…oops, I mean, report, that satirist Stephen Colbert did not disappoint. Fresh back from broascasting in Iraq and with the buzz cut to show for it, in all…truthiness, Colbert is even funnier in person than on TV–and that’s saying a lot.

We’d been schooled by staffers that Colbert would come out for an audience Q&A prior to the taping and that we should all be ready with a question.

With or without hair, Colbert looks g-o-o-d. Photo courtesy of
With or without hair, Colbert looks g-o-o-d. Photo courtesy of

And I was ready, oh how I was ready…

Remember back in 2007 when Harlequin put out the word that the company was searching for manly “real men” to pose for their covers? Colbert caught wind of the campaign and announced on the Colbert Report that he was waiting for Harlequin’s call. “All right, the ball is in your court, Harlequin.” To prove it, he posed with an intern for several spoof covers–as a lusty pirate, a dude ranch cowboy, and a corporate mogul.

Flash forward to June 16, 2009 otherwise known as Last Night. Before I knew it, Colbert was being introduced. He shot out from the black stage curtain. The buzz cut threw me at first but only for like thirty seconds. In person and behind-the-scenes, Colbert isn’t just witty and funny.

He’s also absolutely gracious and dare I say…hawt!?!

The shout-out for questions came. I tucked a copy of Bound to Please beneath my bum and shot my hand up in the air. Colbert turned my way. Our gazes met, stuck like glue–contractor glue, not the schlocky kind the rest of us buy. My heart kicked into a canter (if in Regency England) or fired full throttle (if in modern day Manhattan). Regardless of era, my sub-A cup bosom was heaving like a mother f…Well, I was having a hard time catching my breath. My mouth went dry, bone dry, whilst/while other parts of me went instantly damp, drenched you might say…

And by “parts” I mean my palms.

“Yes?” Colbert asked. He strode my way, his wingtips devouring the studio floor separating us.

He stood before me now, all virile satirist and questing eyes. It was, I knew, my moment of truthiness. I gingerly slid the copy of Bound to Please from its hiding place ‘neath my…nether parts and handed it over to him. Our fingertips brushed. Ah, sweet bliss…

I whetted my parched desert dry lips. “I’m um…um…” Dash it, who the devil was I!?! “Oh, right, I’m Hope Tarr, I write romance novels for Harlequin Enterprises and I want to know when you’re going to be the cover model for my next steamy Harlequin release.”

Bound to Please bound to be better with...Colbert!?!

Witty repartee ensued–from Colbert, that is. I’d spent myself on the introduction. Fortunately my chained cover hero, his tussled tartan, and yes, the ever so subtle shout line on the cover, “This guy’s a sure thing!” were all grist for the comedy mill. He even posited potential titles for his Harlequin cover debut.

It was heady stuff, titillating times, but there were other audience members with questions to consider and well, I knew I mustn’t be greedy. I let him walk away, not into the sunset but into the strobe lighting. It’s for the best, I’m sure and yet…

Goodnight, Nation.


Whirlwind Week!

This past week has been totally Mad Hatter in the best and dare I say most Manhattan of ways. In just slightly more than seven days, I:

Received an award for Vanquished from The Beach Book Festival, the ceremony held at the iconic Algonquin Hotel. Thanks to Festival Managing Director, Bruce Haring for the splendid cocktails, canapes, and yes, chance to chat up my fellow honorees.

Hope and Beach Book Festival Managing Director, Bruce Haring, at the uber elegant Algonquin Hotel. Photo courtesy of Hayat Ali.
Hope and Beach Book Festival Managing Director, Bruce Haring, at the uber elegant Algonquin Hotel. Photo courtesy of Hayat Ali.

Attended a multi-author reading at the Lower East Side bar, The Slipper Room emceed by my friend and fellow Lady Jane Salon co-founder, Ron Hogan. The theme was literature with adolescent protagonists. All four readers: Judy Blundell, Matthew Aaron Goodman, Theresa Rebeck, and Sung J. Woo were great and the five Bushwick Book Club musicians: Franz Nicolay, Susan Hwang, Dibson Hoffweiler, Tom Curtin, and Phoebe Kreutz kept the evening from getting too serious.

Saw some rockin’ live music from new-to-me band, Gordon Voidwell, performed in the back room of another Lower East Side watering hole, Pianos. I went on the recommendation of visiting Aussie friend, Greg, who’s obviously a lot more um…hip to the Manhattan music scene than I am. Props to you, Greg!

Gordon Voidwell and company at Piano's.
Gordon Voidwell and company at Piano's.

Attended a fundraiser cocktail party for The HIV Law Project. To learn more about this twenty-year-old (and counting) advocacy organization and the amazing work they do on behalf of those disenfranchised by their HIV-positive status, please visit the organization’s web site and yes, consider taking the opportunity to give whether that means money or time or both.

Last night, attended the exhibition, “Poison; Erika Keck & Christy Singleton” at Envoy Enterprises Gallery on Chrystie Street, Lower East Side with Scandalous Woman About Town, Elizabeth Kerri Mahon. Dubbed a “potent dose of visual venom” with the intent “to scare the f— out of you,” I’ll leave you judge the show for yourself. Let’s just say that for the first time in decades, I had the strong desire to sleep with my “blankie.”

In the midst of all this making-the-scene mayhem, I sat down and ate a whole steamed lobster. One and a half pounds. Every single bite. Myself. With yes, lots o’ melted…buttah!

Some weeks it’s good to be me. This was for sure one of them.

How’d your week go?


PS I’m rolling out my new Sizzling Summer Contest tomorrow, June 15th, so check back and find out how uber easy it is to enter.

Seeing Stars…

Yesterday’s Matthew Modine sighting turned out to be but the kick-off to a plethora of Real Live Celebrity sightings. (And the RL’s are ever so much perkier than the alternative). 😉

Thanks to Regency historical author, and Lady Jane Salon co-founder, Maya Rodale who asked me along as her guest, I attended the twenty-fifth anniversary of “A Gala Evening of Readings” hosted by Literacy Partners. For the past thirty-five years, Literacy Partners has provided “hope and opportunity for adults who cannot read” in the form of free adult and family literacy programs reaching more than 25,000 disadvantaged New Yorkers.

Held in the David H. Koch Theater at Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, the evening was “gala” indeed, the guest list studded with stars, the plaza outside a veritable red carpet Who’s Who of Manhattan socialites and celebrities from the news media and literary worlds, all decked out in designer duds. Note: We didn’t look any too shabby ourselves but since shutter-bugging didn’t seem to be quite the thing, you’ll have to take my word for it).

At the pre-program cocktail reception, Yours Truly, along with Maya and our mutual friend, Scandalous Woman Elizabeth Kerri Mahon jostled for vino and noshes with celebrity attendees including Martha Stewart (she sat two rows behind us in the auditorium later), Tommy Tune (“Jenny, Jenny…”), Barbara Taylor Bradford, Barbara Walters, and Barbara Goldsmith to name but a few. (And yes, that’s a lot of Bab’s).

The main event featured readings by Barbara Walters (who read the prologue from her recent memoir), Marie Brenner (author and writer-at-large for Vanity Fair), Christopher Buckley (son of the late William F), and David Wroblewski (The Story of Edgar Sawtelle).

Sarah Lindsey, Rob of Romantic Times BOOKREviews, and Hope share the love at the May Lady Jane's.
Sarah Lindsey, Rob of Romantic Times BOOKReviews, and Hope share the love at the April Lady Jane's. Photo courtesy of Rob, RT Mag.

In like support of literacy and general feel-goodness, I hope anyone in the New York area, or in town for Book Expo America will join us for the June 1st Lady Jane’s Salon. We’ve just added a fourth fab author to our line up. Talented historical author, Diane Gaston will join Amanda McCabe in reading from their anthology, The Diamonds of Welbourne Manor, May ’09, a featured book for Harlequin’s Diamond Anniversary.

Diane Gaston. Photo courtesy of
Diane Gaston. Photo courtesy of

As always, the proceeds support Maya’s charity, Share the Love, which reaches out to groups serving women-in-transition as they work to build hopeful, independent lives.


(No Longer) Singing the Deadline Blues

I hit “Send” on Twelve Nights, the sequel to my Scottish Blaze Historical, Bound to Please last Saturday at 5 AM. After three plus weeks of self-sequestering, I’m back to living like a biped human being–exercising again and washing my hair again and eating meals off an actual table.

Statue of Mahatma Gandhi in Union Square, NYC. Hope could have used some of the Indian nationalist leader's renowned peace last week!
Statue of Mahatma Gandhi in Union Square, NYC. Hope could have used some of the Indian nationalist leader's renowned peace last week.

Deadlining, not to be confused with mainlining (though admittedly there are similarities), allows writers to experience the duality of our natures. Think Devil-Angel, Jeykl and Hyde, The Ripper and…Jack. In my case, I go from being this fairly fastidious person to one who’s picking sushi rice out of her computer keyboard.

Deadlining puts me in touch with my inner adrenalin junkie. Deadlining is my NASCAR. I may not parachute out of planes or go on amusement park rides that spin faster than the classic carousel, but hop me up on caffeine and give me a week to write those last 20,000 words, and I’m a regular Evel Knievel. 

Random townhouse in NYC's West Village.
Random townhouse in NYC's famed West Village.

Now that the deadline drama is past, I’m living large–and enjoying spring in New York–at least until the revisions come in.


PS Check back in a few for my mid-April contest winner.

Lady Jane Salon Recap

Last night’s Lady Jane’s Salon was uber fab. I know I say that every month but that’s only because it’s true.

Smart Bitches, Trashy Books blogger, Sara Wendell is well, one smart b—- as well as a total hoot, the perfect guest emcee. And bonus: she read aloud from her book, Beyond Heaving Bosoms: The Smart Bitches’ Guide to Romance Novels, waxing eloquent on, among other topics, sexually impossible positions.

Memo to Sarah: you had us at “turgid boner.”

Smart Bitch Sarah Wendell rocks the house as guest emcee.

A round of belly laughs, not to mention an anatomy lesson was enjoyed by all.

Our guest author readers were Alisa Sheckley/Kwitney and Lady Jane co-founder Maya Rodale. Alisa read from her latest paranormal, The Better to Hold You set here in the Big Apple. Warewolves on the Upper West Side, oh my! And just when I was convinced cab drivers and pizza delivery guys were the main urban predators.



Maya and EBF Tony steam up the microphone, and the windows--and the guests!

Maya read a very sexy scene from The Rogue and the Rival with the help of her “EBF” i.e., English Boyfriend, Tony. Together they rocked the house–and steamed up the windows.

Memo to Maya and Tony: next time how’s about adding some pantomime, hmm?

Last but never least, the Romantic Times BookReviews folks were once more out covering the event for the magazine’s blog. Thanks to Managing Editor Liz French and Web Manager, Rob DiCaterino for the incredible support! (In point, most of these pics come courtesy of Rob’s shutterbugging).

As for Yours Truly, last night was the perfect antidote to the Deadline Blues.

Otherwise, the stats stay the same: First Monday of the Month (May 4th), 7-9 chez Madame X. May is also the host month for Book Expo America America, so we’ll be packing in the out-of-towners as well! Hopefully that’ll include…YOU!

Hope and Dorchester author, Liz Maverick, get this (after) party started.


Lady Jane’s Salon, Monday, April 6th

I’m still deadlining on the sequel to Bound to Please, but I absolutely had to take a wee breakie pooh to plug this Monday’s Lady Jane’s Salon. Guest authors are Alisa Kwitney/Alisa Sheckley, author of The Better to Hold You and our own Maya Rodale, who will read from The Rogue and the Rival. But as they say, there’s more…

Sarah Wendell of the crazy popular blog Smart Bitches, Trashy Books and author of Beyond Heaving Bosoms: The Smart Bitches Guide to Romance Novels will be our guest emcee. How cool is that? (Hint: not really a question).

And yeppers, I’ll be there along with my founder buds: Maya Rodale, Leanna Renee Hieber, and Ron Hogan.

Otherwise program details remain the same: 7-9 PM at the uber swank Madame X. Admission is $5 or one gently used romance novel, all to benefit Share the Love, a nonprofit that reaches out to groups serving women in transition.

Okay, I’m headed back to Medieval Scotland for now, but so long as I can escape my “keeper,” I’ll see you there. 😉


What a Lady, What a Night!

“What a lady, what a night…”

So the classic rock song goes and likewise so went last night’s launch of Lady Jane’s Salon, Manhattan’s first (and so far only) reading series devoted to romance fiction. The series, founded by Ron Hogan, Maya Rodale, Leanna Renee Hieber, and Moi benefits Share the Love, which reaches out to groups assisting women-in-transition build independent lives.

Hope chats with a guest during the meet-and-greet.
Hope chats with a guest during the meet-and-greet.

Forty or so attendees packed the elegant Victorian-inspired salon setting of Madame X in Tribeca. Distinguished guests included Carol Stacy, Publisher and Liz French, Managing Editor of Romantic Times BOOKReviews; Maria Lokken and Marisa O’Neill of Romance Novel TV; and Barbara Vey of PW’s uber popular blog, Beyond Her Book. Also on hand to clink glasses was Scandalous Women blogger, Elizabeth Kerri Mahon.

Foreground L-R: Bookseller and reviewer, Stacey Agdern and Barbara Vey, PW's Beyond Her Book.
Foreground L-R: Bookseller and reviewer, Stacey Agdern and Barbara Vey, PW

After a cocktail meet-and-greet, Ron took the stage as emcee to introduce Share the Love and Lady Jane co-founder, Maya Rodale. Maya spoke briefly and eloquently about her one-year-old organization’s mission to distribute gently-used romance novels to groups assisting women-in-transition, such as Women in Need (WIN), a domestic violence shelter located in Manhattan.

Guest author Andrea Pickens chats with the crowd.
Guest author Andrea Pickens chats with the crowd.

Award-winning author, Andrea Pickens got the party started by reading from The Scarlet Spy, the latest in her Regency-set historical series about a plucky group of young women trained as espionage agents. After a short break, during which Andrea and I signed our books, I read from Every Breath You Take…,my latest Harlequin contemporary release.

Books galores. The proceeds from all sales benefited Share The Love.
Books galores. The proceeds from all sales benefited Share The Love.

Last but not least, we made money for the cause as well as collected a cache of fabulous romance novels to be distributed to women working to achieve their own Happily Ever After beginnings. If that’s not sharing the love, I don’t know what is.

Next month’s Lady Jane’s Salon will take place on Monday, March 2nd, 7-9 PM at Madame X with romance authors Lauren Willig and Jenna Petersen as our guest readers. If you’re in Manhattan or passing through, I hope you’ll consider putting Lady Jane’s on your calendar.
